A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 212: Thank you so much!

Chapter 212: Thank you so much!

Wuji Gu couldn't help but fall into silence, this kind of suspenseful horror background story suddenly turned into a family recognition towards what is going on.

But if you think about it, it makes sense. After all, it was in this world that he first met Sidun Ao, who was also involved with the evil gods. It seems that this is not a coincidence, but a connection between the family and the evil gods, and the source of this connection is in this casino.

"It's like a series finale, if only things could be that simple."

Wuji Gu pondered this, and asked, "Do you know what Ersen Ni's purpose is in coming to this place?"

Sidun Ao immediately frowned, "My memory became confused after coming to this world. But I probably know, they came here for the chance to get the family heir."

"Hmm? Them?" Something flashed through Wuji Gu's mind.

"Yes, I think all the other candidates for the family's succession have come to this casino now." Sidun Ao said, "Only the last person to leave can become the official heir, everyone else will be trapped here forever, and it seems to be related to the curse on this family."

"So that's how it is." Wuji Gu took a sip of tea, "Then presumably other players will also have relationships with other candidates, and they will also have such tasks to protect the candidates."

It seems that the chance of leaving this copy, is closely related to the candidate that one is protecting. It is even possible that only one candidate and the player can leave this hellhole, so it also causes the players to kill each other.

However, that is for others. As for Wuji Gu, the first priority is to find a way to seal the evil god boss of this copy into his own body, so as not to bring trouble later.

If other people knew about his idea, they would probably think he had lost his mind.

Sidun Ao looked at Wuji Gu and couldn't help but speak with concern, "I think that guy's life can be put aside. This place must not be as simple as we think ...... I have a vague feeling that something very terrible will happen a few days after that."

What Sidun Ao didn't say was that he thought Wuji Gu was more dangerous than other players. After all, Wuji Gu has been the focus of evil bosses since the past, and even he is surprised by this attention.

Now comes this copy. Although according to the established route, everything should revolve around those candidates, but considering the reality of the situation, Sidun Ao feels that things will definitely change.

He could only hope that everything would not develop to the point he thought it would. If it does come to that, he will only be able to -

"Wait, the situation is not right." Wuji Gu suddenly looked around with a cold expression.

At the very next moment, the lights in the living room also went out abruptly, and instantly the whole room was plunged into pitch black.



And at that moment, there were several people sitting in the guest room next door.

Three of them were the same three who had been defeated by Wuji Gu's disguised image before.

At this time the bald man is a gray face, he has worked so hard to raise the ghost for so long was actually so Wuji Gu to purify, as if the full level of the number overnight back to the starting point! A kind of pain back to the liberation of the night haunted this man's heart, simply more painful than directly kill him.

Although his strength is not so much that he is more than a mid-level player, but compared to other high-level players that is no longer enough to see.

Not to mention the other, just now his two companions already have ill-will in their eyes, as long as the crisis will certainly throw him out directly.

"No, it's okay." At this moment a brown-haired man who just looked scowling spoke up from the side, "You guys won't back out of the deal to help me get the heir position, right?"

That's right, these three players were teamed up to enter the copy, and after they entered, they were assigned the task of protecting the employer in front of them by the system.

This employer, although a candidate for the heir apparent, is quite cowardly in character and immediately gave up everything as soon as he was intimidated by these few people.

"If I said I would help you, I will help you, cut the crap." A man shouted coldly.

If it were not for the fact that there is still a use for keeping this person, these three would not have kept such a burden.

"Don't worry, we'll do it tonight." The man with glasses raised his own glasses and sneered, his eyes already looking at the location of the next room.

The three men are already very wary of Wuji Gu (after his disguise) and see him as a tricky character. However, they were not too impressed with Wuji Gu (in person) and thought he was just a newcomer and wanted to continue messing around tonight.

After all, we lost a lot of money during the day, and tonight we have to get something to recoup our losses.

"You still want to go out?" The employer was still trembling, "I heard something from the family people when I was here before, this casino is very uncomplicated at night ...... It's better to stay in the room and sleep now."

The other two had an unconcerned attitude, and only the bald man became nervous about everything because he lost his strength.

When the employer saw that they still wanted to leave, he became anxious and said quickly, "If you are really in danger, don't turn back and don't take the repeated path, just keep walking forward with your eyes closed, and if it's the right person, you will naturally be able to push open that door! Then you can see that god."

"Gods?" Several people frowned at him.

"I'm not really sure, that's what someone else said." The employer was suddenly abashed, "saying that only those who push open the door will be able to get the truth."

The two men thought about it, knowing very well that the words of such an NPC are important, and still chose to leave. They advanced players could not be deterred by such a thing.

Just after leaving the room, the two were instantly caught in a black fog.

"......" This problem appears too fast!

When the black fog dispersed, their faces immediately changed slightly.

Only to see the corridor has become a black and white color, although and the normal corridor does not look too different, but filled with a sense of weirdness.

Especially in that pitch black, it seems like there are countless eyes surveying the two.

Almost instantly, the two summoned the ghosts inside themselves, and for the first time in this copy they felt a sense of crisis that they would die if they didn't get serious.

At the same time, they all remembered what their employers had said before, and their expressions immediately became serious.


Wuji Gu look around, the place has turned black and white, like some old and bad picture quality of the ancient TV broadcast out of the picture.

The two bodyguards who were originally playing cards also turned black and white at this time, and their bodies were still motionless.

"It seems that I've fallen into some weird place, and it should be caused by some high level Liege ghost." Wuji Gu tried to summon Sidun Ao, who was still there just now, and the high-level player ghost he was carrying, but neither of them responded in the slightest.

"Can't even get into them actually?" Wuji Gu's face gaped, "Then how can I get out and how is this situation triggered ......"

He suddenly remembered something and looked in his backpack, and all the chips he originally got after purifying a large number of ghosts once again in front of him had disappeared.

"So, it's because I have enough chips on me to be brought here?" Wuji Gu got it.

In the next instant, it seemed as if a woman's voice spoke from a side room.

"Is it a female secretary?" Wuji Gu padded over, with his super human hearing surprisingly can not hear the content, can only hear the sound of sobbing, also interspersed with sultry whispers.

Obviously this can't be the female secretary, but some female ghost affecting this space, presumably someone who once died in the casino.

Wuji Gu's heart was suddenly excited and ready to go next door to purify others. But he couldn't get the door open at all.

Then a creak sounded from the side.

"What are you doing?"

Wuji Gu turned his head, and there was the icy-faced young master Ersen Ni pushing out the door from next door, seemingly woken up by the commotion.

Wuji Gu : "...... I didn't do anything either."

So, he sent a lot of chips to Young Master Ersen Ni, so the other party also met the conditions and was pulled in! The dangers of this copy actually apply to NPCs as well.

Ersen Ni looked around and suddenly realized that the situation was not right and her face turned steeply ugly, "What, what's going on?"

Before Wuji Gu could open his mouth and find a reason to explain, there was an eerie sound behind him, and he turned his head and saw a large number of ghosts suddenly appearing in this space.

The two men were stunned. Ersen Ni was already stunned. Even though he knew something was wrong with this place, it was too frightening to see so many ghosts just appearing like that.

"These, all of them, are ghosts?"

"It appears so."

Just then, several ghosts lunged towards Ersen Ni's position, who was too shaken to move.

In the nick of time, Wuji Gu pushes Ersen Ni through the door with a look of deep anxiety on his face - after all, if something goes wrong with the young master, it's a big problem!

Ersen Ni was almost stunned, in his impression, this little lover of his was more than a little white boy, but he actually stood up for himself once again when he was in danger?

After pushing Ersen Ni away, Wuji Gu closed the door without thinking, so that the young master would not make any trouble.

This image, no matter who you put in the eyes, is Wuji Gu choosing to sacrifice himself for young master Ersen Ni.

Even Ersen Ni himself thought so, and he felt that the way Wuji Gu closed the door was full of determination and self-devotion, and even the face that used to be so unpleasant to look at suddenly became friendly.

Could it be that Wuji Gu is not at all the kind of person he thinks he is? And he had misunderstood the other person all along?

"You actually ......"


Wuji Gu didn't even think that Ersen Ni's mind was going to be filled with thoughts again. After all, he had already made up his mind to disguise himself for Ersen Ni's goodwill and was not going to use his current identity to do so. His previous behavior was just to facilitate his own actions.

The woman's sobs increased at this point, with a more pronounced sneer than before, as if she was about to watch Wuji Gu get killed by a ghost here.

Wuji Gu, however, looked over with grateful eyes and spoke in a soft voice, "Miss Ghost Girl, thank you so much!"

Knowing that the ghosts here are not good to purify it specially sent so many ghosts over, this is too kind!

The female ghost's sobbing suddenly stalled, as if she had been choked by Wuji Gu's words.

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