A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 211: The reality is a cruel shattering of these peoples illusions

Chapter 211: The reality is a cruel shattering of these peoples illusions

The gender of the character "Ersen Ni" is MALE.

Yes, this is Wuji Gu brought in the senior player soul Guangyu Di, forced to be controlled by Wuji Gu to do such things that he usually does not care to do.

Sidun Ao was sent to the casino by Wuji Gu to eavesdrop on other people's conversations to see if he could learn anything useful.

Wuji Gu also looked at Guangyu Di with a very gratified look , "Senior, thank you so much."

Several other people that is already confused, they vaguely feel Wuji Gu in front of this soul is very familiar, and look more carefully, this is not at all what the ghost has the appearance, but like the soul of a living person ......

This Wuji Gu seems to be a newcomer, but he is actually acting so ruthlessly! He even directly controls the souls of the living for his own use!

What's more, this living soul actually managed to restrain this female ghost, obviously not what normal spirits can have the means. This Wuji Gu is not afraid that they are even more insane than they are.

For a moment they all could not help but feel a bit of scorn. But the bald man still sneered, "Even if you restrain her, it's useless, such a degree of ghost is not just a casual purification spell can-"

Before the words fell, Wuji Gu used the purification technique directly on the female ghost, only to see a blinding white light, the female ghost's body directly dissipated in this space.

This process is too fast, but two or three breaths of time is over, if not before the female ghosts dissipate to reveal a grateful look of relief, others are expected to think that Wuji Gu directly to the female ghosts to the second.

Guangyu Di's soul almost instantly flew back the moment Wuji Gu used the purification technique, he was afraid that he was also accidentally purified by Wuji Gu, the degree of Wuji Gu's upgrade in the purification technique is simply not imaginable by these people!

With their own deep connection to the female ghost was purified, bald men are confused, his body pattern at this time all dissipated, even people suddenly look full of energy, completely unlike the previous gloomy people ......

"What the hell have you done?!"

"I just purified the ghosts in your body." Wuji Gu spoke openly. Wuji Gu spoke openly, and he felt envious, if only the ghosts in his body could be so casually purified.

The bald man simply feels that his life has lost its meaning, after tossing and turning for half a day was actually directly purged of the ghost in his body! How can he still be in the future!

And his two companions also showed a slight retreat, after all, they do not want the ghosts in their own bodies to be purified so directly.

"Damn!" The bald man had obviously developed a deep killing intent for Wuji Gu, hating to torture him to death. Although he had lost his greatest strength, he still had some other skills and props to use, and instantly threw a talisman that could attract ghosts to Wuji Gu's side, hoping that the ghosts would be able to kill him while Wuji Gu was not purified.

After all, although Wuji Gu seems to have casually purified a mid-level ghost, but the use of such a move will certainly consume a lot of power, it is impossible to purify all of them.

But reality is cruelly shattered the illusions of these people.

The white light keeps coming on, and Wuji Gu doesn't seem to have any problems, so it couldn't be better! After all, not only did he solve the problem of the copy, but he also got a lot of points from purifying the ghosts and did a good deed, so of course Wuji Gu was very happy.

"There's something simply wrong with this guy ......! He's not a normal person!"

The two men no longer had the courage to stay, their faces darkened as they hurriedly backed away, as they did not have to get Wuji Gu killed here anyway. As for the remaining bald man, although he hated it, he was also frightened by Wuji Gu and hurriedly followed his companion to escape.

As for the two people who originally observed from above, they also fell deeply into the emotion of shock, and the kind of sympathy and superiority in their hearts before had completely disappeared.

"It looks like we've ...... met some big brother."

"To be able to purify these ghosts so casually, just how powerful is his purification technique!"

If they saw Wuji Gu giving chips to Young Master Ersen Ni like that before, they still thought Wuji Gu was either regretful or had a brain problem. But now, they already think that this is the mysterious style of a high level person, can a high level person think the same as an ordinary player?

The eyes of the two people already carried a few moments of admiration. What's more, everyone knew that the one who would use the purification technique in this way was certainly not some ruthless person.

Their hearts have given birth to the idea of wanting to play good relations with each other to hold the thigh, after all, this copy is really not easy ......

However, after the increasingly blinding white light dissipated. This space also became empty how, Wuji Gu has not even seen the shadow. As for the traces of ghosts are not even there, this is simply the lightest place in the entire casino Yin.

"As expected of a big brother, it's just so mysterious."

"Maybe we'll see each other next time?"

The two men could not help but shake their heads and lament the coming and going of the masters.



A short time later, Wuji Gu came out of the bathroom not far from that corner.

His disguise state has disappeared, plus Wuji Gu in order to completely distinguish between his two identities, under the effect of his acting skills, at this time the whole person looks like a timid and weak bullying look.

Even those advanced players who have seen a lot of things can't tell that Wuji Gu and the mysterious handsome man are the same person.

"Why are you here?" At this time, the bodyguard who hurriedly came after the mysterious man saw Wuji Gu, and a few more impatience was added to his already eager face, "Do you know how much trouble you've caused the young master?"

"Oh." Wuji Gu nodded his head very insincerely.

Young Master Ersen Ni came along with the others. The young master Ersen Ni's attention was not on Wuji Gu at all, but looked left and right, after finding no trace of the mysterious man, he was a little disappointed, and then was coldly looking at Wuji Gu, "This is not another place, you better remember your identity, do not wander around."

"I know." Wuji Gu at this time instantly played acting skills, speaking with a slight trembling body, eyes with a hidden love, but also contains a deep pain.

His acting level is already perfect, and people around him are shaken. Ersen Ni, even if he was more indifferent to Wuji Gu, could not say anything to reproach him for a while.

Guangyu Di, who was hiding in his pocket watch, shook his head, thinking that these people simply had problems with their eyes. As for Sidun Ao, who had just returned, if it weren't for something that disturbed him, he would have wanted to get these people killed.

The female assistant, who had a slightly better view of Wuji Gu, immediately felt pity and spoke directly for him, "I don't think he did it on purpose, he just suddenly came to this place and didn't know what to do."

"Be careful after that." Ersen Ni spoke coldly, and then led the bodyguards towards the front.

It's also too late in the day and it's time for a break.

The female assistant looked at Wuji Gu and secretly slipped a chip to him. She guessed that Wuji Gu, the poor guy, probably just ran out to play by himself and now he must have lost everything.

Wuji Gu looked at the other party with some surprise, the female assistant nodded slightly and turned away.

"She's really a good person." Wuji Gu once again felt that there were still more good people in these copies.

After purging so many ghosts in one breath, Wuji Gu didn't feel like resting tonight either. There can't be absolute safety in a high-level copy, and even with a chip on your shoulder, there's no shortage of crises that should arise.

He gave so many chips to Ersen Ni young master before, not only to improve the goodwill of the other party and purify those ghosts, but also has the idea of wanting to observe the situation.

What's more, the young master Ersen Ni knows a lot of things at first glance.

When several people returned to the room, the others were tired and went to sleep. Two of the bodyguards were to keep watch, and Wuji Gu volunteered to join them.

The two bodyguards' eyes were already full of discrimination, but they didn't speak directly to humiliate Wuji Gu because of his status.

In their opinion Wuji Gu this little white boy is again looking for nothing and will probably fall asleep straight away later.

Sidun Ao also emerged from the pocket watch at this time, but of course he was completely invisible to the others in his soul state.

"Well?" Wuji Gu inquired, "What have you found in this casino?"

Sidun Ao is a ghost who came out of the copy of the evil god, and after that he worked for a while in the hands of the evil god's doppelganger, so he can be said to be the most knowledgeable person here about this copy.

Sidun Ao shook his head, his face serious to the extreme, "I did not find too big a problem ...... this is the most bizarre, this place by definition should be the most dense power of faith, but this space is too bizarre, just like a normal haunted casino. "

Between the words, he could not help but press his forehead, as if there was a vague pain inside.

"Are you okay?" Wuji Gu looked over worriedly.

"Nothing, just slightly affected by this place." Sidun Ao opened his mouth. In fact, after becoming a ghost, his memories from his life had dissipated quite a bit, but in this place, he was slowly coming back to it.

"And have you inquired about the rumors about this casino?"

"I've inquired." Sidun Ao said, "This casino, in fact, has never been officially opened at all, and even the general public cannot find this place. Most of the people in the casino claim that they came here somehow in their sleep or while wandering in the streets. And they all believe that if they can gather enough chips they will be able to get the chance to fulfill a certain wish."

"And these people in the outside world are either living a very unsatisfactory life, or they are people who are on death row or have lost everything and are in a desperate situation. So no one wants to leave, they all want to seize the opportunity to fulfill that wish."

Besides, this casino can be much more comfortable than outside when there are still chips on your body.

"So, is this place a cursed place?" Wuji Gu nodded, "No wonder no one wants to run even though it's so spooky inside, they are estimated to have been shocked."

Rather, because he knew too little information at the beginning, he thought this place was a casino or something that ordinary could come in.

But so it seems that this Ersen Ni young master may know more than he thought, how can he find this place so accurately. It seems that this is not at all a casual pastime of a rich young master, but something extremely important is at stake.

"The reason these guests believe this so much is that a penniless vagrant who once went out of this casino made a name for himself in just a few months, and everything about his fortune was like a miracle. Finally, after his death, he left his children and grandchildren a surprisingly large family fortune." Sidun Ao said, "And Ersen Ni is one of his descendants."

"So that's it." Wuji Gu suddenly felt that something was wrong, "How do you know such things, would people normally discuss them in such detail? It even contains the life of Ersen Ni."

"It's true that it's not something I inquired about, but my memory. I also suddenly remembered it when I was just investigating." Sidun Ao took a deep breath, "That Ersen Ni , actually ...... he is my cousin."

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