A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 202: "Ive remembered something."

Chapter 202: "Ive remembered something."

The moment Wuji Gu stepped through the door, he felt a change in the scene before him.

It was the same house, but the situation was as if someone else had lived here before. The condition of the house is not too good, but at least it is still relatively neat and tidy, and there is freshly washed fruit on the table.

"What the hell is this ......"

Taking a step forward, Wuji Gu felt a difference in his body, he had changed back to his youthful form some time ago.

"Is it really some kind of illusion?"

Wuji Gu walked slowly towards the front, but suddenly stopped when he took a few steps, a few fragments of memories long forgotten by him suddenly emerged.

It was the image of him sitting in front of the TV in the house at dusk, leaping about and talking to another person.

In this instant, the whole house suddenly darkened, only a little light from the distant window through. The dim interior of the house has made it impossible to see clearly, a few steps forward and hit various miscellaneous items, not knowing what was placed on it scattered all over the place.

"You shouldn't have come back."

It seems that a woman's hoarse voice is whispering something, which carries a few indelible resentment.

"Mother." Wuji Gu could not help but speak to that voice, but the voice disappeared directly, and the door behind him even came with a loud slamming sound.

Wuji Gu suddenly realized that Jia Cheng hadn't come in with him, "Oh no! We can't let him stay here alone!"

This place is obviously not the safe home that Wuji Gu is familiar with, but a haunted space like a copy. He himself, but Jia Cheng is too dangerous.

"I've got to get out of here fast to do that."

A note was placed on the table in front of him, and he picked it up and looked at it, with a paragraph written in a crooked child's handwriting.

''If you want to get out of here, remember what happened in the past, remember what you really did here in the past, then you can find the clue to leave.''

"What have I done before?"

Wuji Gu frowned, it seems that this house is to rely on his past memories, find various clues to leave. But ......


At this point, the building has all turned into an alien space like existence.

The man on the first floor revealed a sneering voice, "If it was before, it would have been fine. Now I got that game system, even became a mid-level player, and also by chance got a powerful prop. Even if Wuji Gu you have that kind of power in your body, there is no way you can leave alive."

He was simply full of confidence, after all, if Wuji Gu was trapped in his own house, he would surely solve the puzzle inside the house in order to escape. But this was wrong from the beginning, but it was just a trap to keep him in this place.

To really leave, to find the clues and hints inside the house is exactly the opposite, can not realize this point will only be buried here, plus the original ghosts in the house will come out from time to time to scare people, can only be described as hellish difficulty.

The original prop to use up the conditions are still quite demanding, fortunately the building is originally a lot of ghosts. Now under the power of the props, they have become a frightening presence, Wuji Gu Even if they managed to get out of the house, they will certainly not be able to deal with the ghosts in the outside world!

As for Jia Cheng brought by Wuji Gu, she was not even taken into consideration by the men and was probably a cannon fodder.

" Wuji Gu , even if you are smart, can you find a clue to leave?"

The man said this, and remembered the memory of the year that made him painful, his face a hard look.

"If it wasn't for you, that plan wouldn't have failed and they wouldn't have died tragically. This time I will use your life to pay tribute to their souls in heaven!"

"Whose in heaven?"

"Of course it's big brother's-"

Halfway through the man's words, he suddenly looked behind him as if he had seen a ghost, stunned at Wuji Gu, "You you how did you appear?"

Behind him stood Wuji Gu not only did not describe the gaunt and frightened, but also as normal as the spirits of the people. Even from the man before the use of props has not passed a few minutes ......

The man stepped back in fear, but was suddenly held down as Sidun Ao appeared behind him at some point and tied him up with a prop rope.

"I just plain came out of the room."

"Impossible!" The man retorted incredulously, "According to my setup, it would take you at least half a day to find the clues, how could it be so fast!"

"Of course it's a violent crack." Wuji Gu said, he is such a high-level player out of the real world to deal with such low-level copies? The company's main goal is to provide a solution to the problem of the problem.

But such a treatment of the place where he used to live also made Wuji Gu very upset, and looked at the man with much colder eyes.

"And how did you get down so quickly, and how did those ghosts let you go?" The man gritted his teeth.

Then he watched in dismay as Wuji Gu raised his hand and several ghosts appeared behind him, all of which looked like they had a high sense of affection for Wuji Gu and did not have the slightest intention of attacking him.

"You, you ......" the man has been dumbfounded.

"After all, everyone is an acquaintance of mine, how could they do it to me." Of course the reality is that Wuji Gu's ghost mastery hangs on to the man's prop level, so it easily allows all the other ghosts to recover.

The man has been frantic cold sweat, he finally began to realize that the child who had made him feel terrified to the core, has now become an even more appalling existence.

But he still tried to be brave and said, "Where is your friend? How come I don't see him, has he been abandoned by you? Sure enough, you're still the same monster! It's impossible to treat other people sincerely!"

"What monster? How could I possibly leave my friends behind." Wuji Gu spoke in a soft voice.

Jia Cheng, who was trembling and pale and had barely recovered from her previous fear, came from behind and showed a forced smile to Wuji Gu, "Master Gu, auntie is really quite gracious. Just a little too friendly."



Go back in time.

Jia Cheng was scared half to death when Wuji Gu steeply broke in the door.

At this moment Jia Cheng was grateful, but at the same time he was torn, should we let Master Gu fall into such a situation of mother and son because of his relationship!

Unexpectedly Wuji Gu just calmly sat beside him, then looked at the female ghost in front of him with a kind of look with a few complications, "Mother, I am back."

The female demon gave a start, then she put the food on the table and looked at the two with gentle eyes.

Jia Cheng doesn't even know how she felt the tender eyes of the other side from that dark face.

"Don't worry, mother, she just wants to treat you well." Wuji Gu said and took the plate of food, "This is also just an ordinary dish, it's not anything strange. Of course, it is not the food of the same world as us, so it is best not to eat it."

Jia Cheng : "!!!" Is this plate of food really just ordinary food? No one would want to eat it, right?

But then Jia Cheng abruptly remembered Master Gu's level of cooking and the plate he had eaten at Wuji Gu's house. He suddenly understood the food in front of him. Surely dark cuisine or something also needs to be cultivated ...... Master Gu grew up eating such food is really nothing wrong!

Then Jia Cheng saw Wuji Gu and the female ghost looking at each other, with various emotions in their eyes, just looking at each other for a moment, as if they had already exchanged many things.

"Mother, I have something to do, so I will leave."

Wuji Gu took a deep breath, then pulled up Jia Cheng next to him and left with a little reluctance.

And the female ghost just stood in the door and quietly watched their backs.

Jia Cheng finally slowed down and couldn't help but speak up, "Auntie is so enthusiastic, I just don't know where my uncle is."

His feelings can be said to be complicated to the extreme, after all, and want to see Master Gu's parents, but also feel that everything is really too shocking.

"Yeah." Wuji Gu sighed in a low voice, "If it wasn't for me, they both would surely be better off, right?"

"Master Gu, what's wrong with you? They must be very happy to have a son as good as you!" Jia Cheng hurriedly spoke up, knowing that his mother hated having a son like Wuji Gu anyway.

"I've remembered something." Wuji Gu shook his head.

When he was in that room, the clue asked him to recall the past, Wuji Gu decided to break it violently because he was too worried about the time, but after he went out of the room, he still remembered a lot of part of the memory.

His past, and the ones he thought he had, were completely different.



When the man saw Jia Cheng's peaceful scene, he realized that all his efforts had failed completely, and that no matter what he did, he could not possibly pose any threat to Wuji Gu, and was like a deflated balloon, looking at Wuji Gu with nothing but fear.

"Why on earth would you do such a thing to me?" Wuji Gu slowly stepped forward and looked down at the other party, no doubt an unfamiliar face, he couldn't help but inquire, "I have no grudge against you, right, do you have to hate me so much?"

"Have you forgotten all about it already! That incident more than ten years ago!" The man was enraged by his words, yet his body trembled as if he was afraid, "How those people were brutally killed at that time, I still haven't forgotten."

"What did you say?" Wuji Gu frowned, he listened to the man's words, suddenly felt a constant tingling up in his head, a strong sense of crisis suddenly emerged, and the augury of this crisis did not come from elsewhere, but precisely from his own body.

It was as if something was stopping him from remembering something, and if the man said more, something terrible was bound to happen.

Wuji Gu could not help but cover his forehead, cold sweat on his face, the stabbing pain in his head became more and more intense, so that he could barely stand.

Jia Cheng, who was next to him, immediately tensed up and held him, "Master Gu, are you all right? Did this man do something to you?"

"I'm fine, it's just a headache." Wuji Gu took a deep breath and spoke with some concern, "Tell him to stop talking! Otherwise ......"

When the man saw Wuji Gu like this, he became excited instead, as if he had finally found Wuji Gu's weakness, and sneered and spoke loudly.

"You really don't dare to face it, do you! I saw everything in my eyes when that happened more than ten years ago! That terrible monster that suddenly appeared inside you-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he snapped his mouth shut, trembling from an unspeakable fear.

Next to Jia Cheng and Sidun Ao, they stared in amazement at the sight before them.

Wuji Gu has been weak half kneeling on the ground, almost fainted, and behind him steeply diffused a large amount of black fog, almost occupying the entire space.

What made others feel fearful was that the power contained in the fog was terrifying to the extreme, and would even absorb the power around it. Everyone felt their bodies suddenly weakened, unable to even struggle.

Jia Cheng, who was holding Wuji Gu, fell to his knees because of his sudden weakness.

From the black mist behind Wuji Gu, a figure suddenly emerged and gently embraced Wuji Gu, who had almost fallen with him, into his arms.

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