A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 201: "Your parents, from the beginning, were not human."

Chapter 201: "Your parents, from the beginning, were not human."

Jia Cheng is currently sitting behind a dilapidated dining room table, with a bright and dim light bulb emitting an orange glow, and a woman's figure in the kitchen not far away, constantly chopping something on the counter.

Although it seems to be normal, but the sound of each stroke makes Jia Cheng heart tremble, not to mention that there is an eerie coldness here from before, as if something will suddenly emerge from the surrounding darkness.

His face has been pale as if the next moment to faint, the hand of the talisman clenched tightly, if there is not the talisman of Master Gu in, he may now have fainted from fear.

Jia Cheng also wanted to escape, but he simply could not do it, his body was like being fixed here waiting to die.

Why the hell did things turn out like this? Obviously it was the first time I went home with Master Gu, the first time I met Master Gu's other relatives, and these two wonderful things stacked together, why were they so terrible!

The next moment, the woman turned around and slowly walked towards this side. You can see the location of her face is all black, and her hands are carrying a plate of blood and flesh that looks creepy, and also from time to time eerie laughter.

"Ahhhhhhh--" Jia Cheng screamed in terror, "Auntie, don't come over here! Although you are Master Gu's mother, and I respect you! But I think you don't have to be so polite!

The woman is completely indifferent to his words, watching the bloody flesh have to be mosaic dishes closer and closer to their own, Jia Cheng simply almost fainted.

And in the next instant, the door of the room was pushed open.

Jia Cheng's voice rang out with tears of joy, "Master Gu!!!"



The reason why things have turned out this way, but also from the previous two came to the city to start.

Jia Cheng, a young man like this, rarely comes to such a small place, feeling that everything is still very new. The two of them are at least a popular figure, in order not to cause any trouble are unusually low-key, not even a luxury car, just so ordinary to Wuji Gu childhood residence.

As for Sidun Ao, a blonde foreigner who would have easily attracted the attention of others, he was of course left in Wuji Gu's pocket watch.

Wuji Gu at this time wearing almost completely masked face clothes, face also with a pair of sunglasses to cover the upper half of the face, this bizarre dress if not for his temperament over the company is afraid to have been taken as any suspicious elements twisted to the police.

Wuji Gu took Jia Cheng and the two of them stepped into the familiar neighborhood with a heavy heart.

"Master Gu, did you grow up in a place like this?" Jia Cheng looked at this already dilapidated neighborhood and fell into silence for a while. After all, this place is not just a degree of dilapidated, but also filled with a spooky one look haunted atmosphere, not many people come and go.

What's more is that such a master Gu also turned out to be such a kind person, which is simply a miracle.

"It's nothing to worry about, everyone here is quite nice to get along with." Wuji Gu said casually.

Jia Cheng : "......" is worthy of Master Gu.

Then Wuji Gu suddenly realized something he hadn't noticed before, why he had never wanted his parents to leave this place.

No matter how you think Wuji Gu do not think he would be such a forked burner, and why the family has never been harassed by any media people ...... just by these media previously hated to dig up everything around him, surprisingly no mention of his past at all.

"It could never be the result of those people having an attack of conscience, does that mean that even this part of my memory is out of place?"

This made Wuji Gu nervous and he was in a hurry to go in, but of course he was stopped at the door.

After Wuji Gu revealed his true identity, the old security guard who has worked here for many years did not have the slightest excitement of meeting a big shot, but showed a stunned and fearful look, "Why are you still coming back?"

"I just want to find someone, to find my parents." Wuji Gu opened his mouth.

The old security guard's face was ugly as hell and he spoke in a low voice, "What are you talking about? Gu, for the sake of at least watching you grow up, I advise you to leave here and not come back, this place is too evil!"

Wuji Gu's face changed, but no matter how to ask the other side did not let go of the meaning. The old guard was amazed, then remembering his difficult family, he could only sigh and take the money, telling what he knew.

When Wuji Gu is living alone in this neighborhood, no one has seen his parents, only know that the apparently unoccupied residence but often come from some strange movement.

And Wuji Gu is not an orphan, everything around him seems to be taken care of, whether it's school or daily life, but no one can find out who did it at all, making it all very unbelievable.

The scariest thing is that Wuji Gu himself is also very creepy, often talking to something unseen, scaring others enough and leading to his ostracism. But those who have expressed their dislike for Wuji Gu openly end up moving away from the place in a hurry, and mentioning it seems to have a great psychological shadow.

After Wuji Gu was kidnapped, it was already bizarre to the extreme, after all, everyone was unharmed, only the thugs were in a miserable state of death, which was really frightening.

It's just that everyone at the time didn't say anything to Wuji Gu, as if nothing had ever happened, and it was only after Wuji Gu left the place that many people were relieved and felt they could live a normal life.

But the neighborhood did not quiet down because of this, haunted things still happen from time to time. Wuji Gu's original residence is still haunted, no one dares to move in, even the building has moved seven or eight people.

But this is also because this neighborhood is already remote and very old, and then some time may be demolished, if Wuji Gu came back a little later, maybe this place is already a ruin.

"I didn't want to talk to you about it." The old guard sighed after he finished, "But since you're grown up, you should be aware of it. From the beginning, your parents didn't exist ...... If this isn't some aspect of you," he wanted to say, after all, how Wuji Gu didn't look like someone with mental problems, "it's that they ...... are ghosts."

Having experienced too much in this neighborhood, the old guard still believes in such things.

Jia Cheng is already dumbfounded, his brother gave him no mention of this matter in the information ah! Master Gu is actually raised by ghosts? No wonder the attitude towards ghosts is so warm like the spring breeze ......

"Okay, thank you." Wuji Gu nodded his head and said thanks in a sincere tone, "I've got all these things clear."

"So you're still going in?" The old guard looked at him in consternation.

"There are some things that I must know." Wuji Gu said and turned to walk inside, and Jia Cheng hurriedly followed.

And at this time, outside the cell behind a certain tree, a figure also watching this side, look very shocked.

"Master Gu, did you also just understand the truth?" Jia Cheng couldn't help but want to comfort Wuji Gu, after all, when it comes to this kind of thing, even Master Gu would be devastated, right, "It's okay, I think your parents must have been kind ghosts, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to educate someone as gentle as Master Gu."

"I think so too." Surprisingly, Wuji Gu did not care too much about this matter, he spoke firmly, "In fact, I have long realized that there seems to be something wrong, but now I am relieved to know the truth, as long as they are not in trouble. As for whether they are human or ghosts, I don't care, I just know they will always be my parents."

It's just that if his parents did lose their lives because of his problems, that's what would be unacceptable to Wuji Gu.

"So let's go back together. I'll introduce them too." Wuji Gu smiled and looked at Jia Cheng , "Introduce the friends I know."

"Master Gu!!!" Jia Cheng was so flattered that he was moved to tears! He felt that he had no regrets in dying, what Sidun Ao what Liangmiao Cheng, did these people have his treatment? Can they get Master Gu's friend card?

The two walked forward and soon entered the most eerie building in the neighborhood. This building is really too old, the walls are still attached like blood veins like dense creepers, so Jia Cheng legs are trembling up.

"It's okay, I'm going to meet Master Gu's parents!" Jia Cheng cheered herself up, "There will definitely be no problem."

"There are a lot of ghosts here, but they are all very nice people and have helped me a lot in the past." Wuji Gu said and pushed open the door, the two walked into the dusty building, the floor was littered with garbage and looked very dilapidated.

Jia Cheng was unable to breathe when he entered the door. Wuji Gu was in a trance, and an image suddenly came to his mind of him running down the hallway, chasing someone in front of him in a playful scene.

Although that image was just a fragment, not even knowing who the other person was, it made him feel a certain sense of leap in his heart. He must have been very happy at that time.

Jia Cheng next to him grabbed Wuji Gu's hand and spoke nervously, "Gu, Master Gu, I think I saw that door being pushed open aaaahhh!

Wuji Gu turned his head to look, a door in the dim hallway without wind, it seems that the sound of crying is still faintly coming from inside, the darkness seems to hide a half-hidden shadow.

Jia Cheng : "Master Gu, what the hell is this sound!"

"Nothing, it's just that the ghost of Aunt Wang's house is watching a bitter drama and it's too hot so she opened the door for ventilation."

Jia Cheng : "......" why feel so sad ah! And Master Gu this is really the momentum of seeing familiar neighbors.


"So, what's that about! Something's moving in the garbage!"

"Hey, after all, it's an old man, even if he's dead, he wants to rummage through the garbage to find something useful. Let's go up and help too."

Wuji Gu can be said to be very enthusiastic when faced with these familiar ghosts, at least they are his previous acquaintances.


"Master Gu, the light bulb suddenly lit up ah ah ah!!!"

"Oh and don't you thank someone for fixing our light."

Jia Cheng : "......"


Wuji Gu Two people have long gone up several floors.

At this time, a man sneaked in at the first floor of the building and looked up with a grim smile.

" Wuji Gu , I didn't think you would come back."

He carefully wiped the ash off the ground, revealing a slightly scribbled pattern on the ground, but no matter how you look at it, it's some kind of bizarre formation that would be pointed out with blood.

"In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless."


By the time the two arrived at their destination, Jia Cheng was already numb, after all, these ghosts are just too harmless! There is nothing dangerous about them except that they scare you.

More than that, really he should organize his image so as not to lose face in front of Master Gu's parents?

Jia Cheng took a deep breath and began to tidy up her appearance nervously, not wanting to be seen by Wuji Gu's parents in a sorry state.

Wuji Gu, on the other hand, familiarly fished out the key from a recess in the wall and opened the already very dilapidated door with a slight sense of nostalgia, making a loud and disturbing noise as he pushed it open.

Jia Cheng suddenly saw that Wuji Gu's body seemed to be swallowed up by the darkness when he stepped into the door, and disappeared directly before his eyes.

Jia Cheng : "?!?"

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