A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 198: There is definitely some kind of connection between him and this evil spirit in front of him

Chapter 198: There is definitely some kind of connection between him and this evil spirit in front of him

Wuji Gu walks in this dilapidated building, and feels more and more as if he has entered a copy.

"Although I always encounter this kind of thing for me is also a routine, but even my own home has become so strange I have never thought ......" Wuji Gu so thought, very skilled in the plant investigated everywhere.

The details of this dream are amazingly realistic, and even make people feel as if they have really gone back in time. The building is extremely dark all around, all the windows are sealed, careful observation can also be seen above are painted with an eerie pattern, look at people do not feel comfortable.

"But these patterns also have the effect of isolating ghosts." Wuji Gu pondered, "That's why there is no ghost in this factory. Wuji Gu pondered, "That's why there's not a single ghost in this factory, it seems these people really have some strength and are not ordinary criminals."

What exactly are these people trying to do, and who stopped them in the first place? It is reasonable to assume that with such power it is impossible to fail, unless some powerful master suddenly appears to rescue them.

Wuji Gu's memory of this place is already very vague, so I guess it's better to continue exploring.

After all, this is only a dream, if it were reality, Wuji Gu is unlikely to be so relaxed and will certainly rush to find a way to escape with those children. But anyway, we all know that everyone will be fine, what is there to be afraid of.

Compared to the copies Wuji Gu has experienced before, this is not a great place at all, even worse than the low-level copies Wuji Gu has experienced before, after all, there is not even a ghost now.

The only problem is that Wuji Gu's body is just a child at this time, and there are no other abilities or props, so it's impossible to rely on your own physical strength to beat a few grown men, which makes it more difficult in every way. But Wuji Gu is not the kind of person who relies on abilities and props, so he is still very calm, and even has a strange sense of reassurance.

Soon Wuji Gu found a few people staying in the room, their faces are wearing masks, the clothes on the body is very ordinary, take off the mask is estimated to blend into the crowd can not be seen kind.

These people are simply not alert to chat over there, Wuji Gu immediately hid next to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"It's all almost ready, right? The ceremony will start soon."

"There's nothing wrong with those kids, right?"

"It's okay, with these ordinary kids it's impossible to break through the restrictions in this building, and even if they manage to get out, their mental power won't be able to withstand that kind of power, they'll just fall straight into a coma."

Wuji Gu nodded, it seems that these people are so relaxed is not only because of the relationship of confidence, or because this place from the beginning to lay some kind of forbidden, estimated to have all formed a certain bizarre space. Fortunately, he did not rashly decide to bring the other children out together, otherwise the situation would be in trouble now.

"As long as we finish this ceremony, we'll be able to gain that lord's appreciation and get a lot of points! This way the copies afterwards will definitely not be a problem either."

"A player of that lord's level is really powerful, and I don't know if we have such a chance."

"What?" Wuji Gu in the mind thinking, "These people are actually also players? Listen to their words, it seems like they are still doing something for the senior players ...... these senior players even if they are placed in the ordinary copy are able to become the role of the villain boss, this time should not appear, otherwise as a child I certainly did not have a way to be saved alive."

Probably because they were in a good mood, the guys continued to exchange ideas.

"I really didn't think that I could find a part of that existence in such a small place and with such ease ......"

"So it's about time."

Before they could finish their words, a man spoke up abruptly, "There's someone outside!"

Wuji Gu's heart was astonished, when exactly was he exposed? But more than that, he would be in trouble if he was caught by these people.

Wuji Gu steeply turned and ran towards a hidden corridor, and just the moment he stepped into the corridor, he felt really unlucky this time.

At the end of the corridor, originally an ordinary factory, but now has become a hall full of magic formations, filled with strong to the extreme Yin Qi, if these people's plan really succeeded, summoned to this place is by no means any ordinary ghosts, and even that power is able to ripple to all the surrounding areas.

Wuji Gu's footsteps are a bit choppy.

He is not this is simply a sheep into the tiger's mouth, himself sent over to be sacrificed ......! If only he could remember what really happened at the beginning ......

But from just now on, he has something very concerned.

From behind Wuji Gu, there has been a burst of Yin Qi, which he thought at first was some kind of special effect of the horrible environment. But until now this Yin Qi more and more intense, and even and the Yin Qi in front of the collision, between the two vaguely have a sense of tit-for-tat, he felt that he had overlooked this important thing.

After all, no matter how much more, a ghost's yin can't be fighting each other within itself!

"Behind me, is there ......"

When this thought came to him, Wuji Gu instantly felt a blackness before his eyes, and then he could no longer control this body and fell to the ground uncontrollably.

This moment Wuji Gu already felt like waking up.

"No! This is definitely the most important message in this dream world, I must see it."

With a sudden burst of potential, Wuji Gu forced himself to stay in this dream in a half-asleep, half-awake state. Of course, this is also because his subconscious mind is probably so impressed with this incident that he can restore it to such a detailed level.

The key is that he fell down the perspective is still very unreliable, only from the gap between the sleeves to see the situation behind him.

Obviously it is not clear what to see, in addition to the black fog that spread out rapidly around, you can no longer see the other.

"What the hell is going on!" Wuji Gu was too eager to know, "Damn it, I should have taken off my clothes before!"

At this time those few people also finally rushed over, but at the sight of the scene in front of them immediately let out a fearful to the extreme, can not even say a complete sentence, can only keep backing up, emotions are close to collapse.

"You ...... don't come over here!!! Monster!!!"

"Ahhhhhhhhh "

"How could you! How could something like this happen-"

What in the world did they see to be so afraid that this ghost was this scary? But why didn't it kill itself in the first place. Wuji Gu lying on the ground in his head constantly thinking.

Along with the screams of the crowd, Wuji Gu's consciousness slowly dissipated, before completely waking up from this dream, he suddenly felt a chill behind him, and then, Wuji Gu saw a pair of eyes staring at him in the pitch black.

It is clear that this is only a dream, it is clear that he is only a consciousness, but these eyes have captured his presence accurately. Wuji Gu but at this time the depths of his mind tingled to the extreme, a sense of danger almost instantly rushed throughout his body, this feeling in the past is almost never before, even the first time into the copy of the ghost king level encounter of the Liege, Wuji Gu have never been such a sense of danger all over the body.

This is definitely an extremely scary and powerful ghost!

But more than that, Wuji Gu is concerned with the complex emotions that arise from his own subconscious.

As if, he and this terrible existence in front of him, have more complex, more let should not forget some kind of relationship, the other party must have occupied an extremely important position in his life.

Even the sense of fear that the other side caused him was so familiar, as if it was just some friend who had been with him for a long time and not just a dangerous enemy.

Previous hints from others have also always mentioned his back, does that mean that this ghost, which is almost more powerful than the Ghost King, has possessed him from the beginning, even all just like that for more than 20 years?! And nothing happened during this period ......

Wuji Gu according to the information learned so far thought half a day, and finally came to such a ridiculous conclusion, how is this possible? The ghosts are not here to do charity, even if they are kind-hearted, they can't help him all the time!

But Wuji Gu can't remember what happened more than ten years ago, he can't know the relationship between him and the ghost, he wants to ask the other side directly.

When this thought occurred, Wuji Gu's consciousness, which should have left, stopped, and he was about to be trapped in this dream world by some kind of power.

"Oh no! Sure enough, this dream world isn't that simple, if I continue to have this kind of consciousness, I'll be completely trapped here! I won't know how to leave then."

This is simply a difficult thing for people to do, on the one hand, the truth of the matter is within reach of their own body, on the other hand is the safety of their lives, which in the end how to choose ......

"Is it even necessary to think about it?"

Wuji Gu has immediately made up his mind and reached out his hand towards the black fog that was completely unclear in front of him.

If he would have been afraid of death, would he have made it this far?

He must find out what secrets he is hiding!

But just as Wuji Gu was about to touch the black mist, a great force came from his side, and he barely had time to react before he came to his senses.



"Master Gu You're worried sick about me "

With a heartbreaking cry, Jia Cheng suddenly jumped over and hugged Wuji Gu, who had just opened his eyes, and his whole body turned into a tearful person.

Wuji Gu : "......"

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