A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 196: How can you have that horrible presence in your body ......

Chapter 196: How can you have that horrible presence in your body ......


The surrounding ghosts are all changed, they know how dangerous the situation is, but in the nick of time, even they are powerless to prevent this from happening, they can only watch Wuji Gu being taken over by the spirit.

"Damn it." Sidun Ao clenched his teeth and mumbled something under his breath.

The Wuji Gu over there, although not yet moved, the pocket watch on his body since the opening, bursting out a golden light, a time when all the surrounding ghosts movement is a standstill.

When Sidun Ao's residual spirit was still in the pocket watch, it was able to stop many ghosts, and now he has been upgraded to an existence that can appear in reality, this pocket watch is naturally more powerful.

Wuji Gu behind the pale soul originally looked serious, but after noticing that the light of the pocket watch is not enough to cause too much impact on it, immediately a cold laugh, "such a prop is not enough to cause me any harm, you want to blame yourself for not being strong enough!"

At the end of the sentence, the pale soul, against the stunned expressions of the crowd, snapped close to Wuji Gu's body.

Wuji Gu felt a coldness coming from behind him, and a strong sense of crisis caused a tingling sensation deep in his mind, and he realized clearly that if he continued like this, his body would really be taken over by this spirit!

And this ghost's face is completely different from that of the youth before, so you can imagine that these youths are just unlucky to be possessed, and the true identity of this senior player is completely unclear.

"I must do something about it." Wuji Gu was so weak at this point, even when he used to carry the coffin all the way down the mountain, he didn't feel this way, and he nearly fell to his knees.

Sidun Ao finally came over to help Wuji Gu, but the situation had reached a worrying level, to the extent that no one else could separate the ghost from Wuji Gu.

Wuji Gu thought about the fact that the props he had on him were not enough to deal with this advanced player turned ghost, even Sidun Ao could not work, let alone others. Is this the time to fight poison with poison?

Wuji Gu took a deep breath and grabbed Sidun Ao's shoulder, "You come in too!"

Sidun Ao froze on the spot.

"Isn't it trying to take over my body? You just go in first, and it won't be able to do anything." Wuji Gu said.

Other ghosts: "......" Is this a parking space grab?

Sidun Ao: "!" It's very mysterious, but when you think about it, it seems to make sense, worthy of Wuji Gu!

Sidun Ao again a difficulty, "But will not I offend your body if I do so, which ......"

Wuji Gu said, "If you don't want to, I'll call the other Liege." He himself did not care about this kind of thing, but Sidun Ao was at least an acquaintance who was more reliable and should not do anything.

When the other spirits heard Wuji Gu's words, they all looked like they were eager to try, which made Sidun Ao, who was standing by, anxious.

The ghost of the young man possessed by Wuji Gu frowned at the words, although it was not afraid of the Sidun Ao, but if the other side really arrived in the body of Wuji Gu is still a bit of trouble.

The youthful ghost immediately wanted to speed up the progress, and the translucent body gradually reunited with Wuji Gu's.

This Wuji Gu's body is the most perfect host body he has ever seen, and it certainly works much better than others ...... but just when it wanted to get closer to where Wuji Gu's soul was, it suddenly felt what seemed to be some deep, darkness blocking it.

"What is this?"

The young ghost couldn't help but frown, this Wuji Gu's body actually still has these weird existence, could it be that the other party has long anticipated this day?

"This Wuji Gu is still a little smart, but it's a pity that he met me, otherwise he might really be able to become a high-level player without any problems."

The youth found that the darkness also gave him a sense of crisis, how is this possible. Wuji Gu is just a newcomer who has just become an advanced player, even the highest level of defense props can not resist him, this can have any more amazing bottom card.

"It's just a bluff." The young ghost sneered, then fiercely approached towards the pitch-black.

But the closer he got, the more he realized how wrong his approach was, and a long-lost sense of fear surfaced in his heart.

"This is exactly ......"


Sidun Ao is finally done with his obsession. Instead of letting other demons take over this opportunity, he should do it himself! At least he won't pose any threat to Wuji Gu, the other ghosts will not be so sure.

What's more, isn't this a more intimate contact with Wuji Gu? Although he and Wuji Gu are ultimately different, and he never wanted to be with each other, but if he can get a little intimate contact, then his life is not a loss!

Sidun Ao's heart beat faster when he thought about it, and he took a deep breath and looked at Wuji Gu before holding his hand, "If that's the case, there's nothing else I can do, I'll definitely-"

Before he could finish his sentence, the pale ghost behind Wuji Gu suddenly fluctuated violently, then the translucent body retreated violently and just fell softly to the ground, even the color of the body lightened a few points.

Sidun Ao : "......"

Not only that, a deep fear could be seen on the face of the young ghost, who looked at Wuji Gu with a look that was more frightening than seeing a ghost.

"How is it possible, in your body, how can you have that kind of terrifying existence ......"

Wuji Gu looked at him warily, and again could not help but inquire, "What are you talking about? What do you know?"

Is it possible that the senior player was frightened by something behind him like this? Wuji Gu originally thought it was just a little problem, but seeing a senior player almost pissed in fear, he began to think that he was in for a big deal.

Originally, the other ghosts were wondering if the youth was acting, but they soon noticed that the youth's fearful appearance was not fake. This is the ghost of an incredibly powerful high-level player! How could he reveal such a frightened look because of a failed possession?

This proves that Wuji Gu has an amazing undercard to hang this advanced player with!

For a while other ghosts looked at Wuji Gu's eyes with a kind of thankfulness, fortunately they chose to defect to Wuji Gu ...... otherwise who knows what would happen if they continued to work against Wuji Gu!

"How can you not know, if you don't know, how did you survive until today?! According to your strength is simply impossible to suppress!" The young ghost's eyes were tinged with fear, what he had just encountered was too appalling ...... simply made a man like him who had seen so much begin to doubt life.

But at least a high-level player, the youth calmed down a little and stared at Wuji Gu and opened his mouth, "If you're not lying, then it doesn't matter if I die here today. After all, you will soon be coming to accompany me!"

Wuji Gu frowned.

If the situation has really become this serious, he really should hurry to find out his past.

Only then did the other ghosts and Sidun Ao react and restrain the young ghost.

The youthful ghost was probably afraid of what was inside Wuji Gu's body and did not resist too fiercely, and was thus temporarily sealed in the picture book by Wuji Gu.

Wuji Gu put away the picture book, but is quite relaxed. If the average person knows that there is such a bizarre thing behind him or her, he or she will be uncomfortable, but Wuji Gu is already such a casual person, anyway, he or she will deal with things, usually do not have to dwell on it.

The trouble now is that this villa looks messy, and how to deal with this man on the ground ...... The other side looks like the identity is not very simple ah.

"Surely it's better to call an ambulance to take this guy to the hospital first." Wuji Gu pondered, "Then I'll go back to the village."

In the next instant, the system beep sounded as well.

[Congratulations to the player who has passed the test and is now officially promoted to Advanced Player! The original restrictions on the player's ability and body will also be lifted.]

[All remaining features are open to players, who can then explore them on their own or let the system explain them].

[In addition, after being promoted to advanced player, the game will give the player a chance to upgrade their abilities and mental power and other aspects, which will start after one hour. The time spent to enhance the ability will last longer and the player will fall into fainting when enhancing, so please find a safe place to rest, otherwise you may fall into danger].

Wuji Gu did not have time to breathe a sigh of relief, and then fell into silence because of the system's words.

This is too fast! It's almost as if they're deliberately trying to keep people from relaxing! Is it some kind of test to become an advanced player again? It's always such a danger to go through before giving someone the benefit of the doubt.



Of course, everything developed very smoothly after that.

The fainting youth has been taken to the hospital, reportedly after a round of resuscitation to get rid of life-threatening, but still no trend of reawakening.

After all, the biggest trouble has been put away by Wuji Gu. And Wuji Gu has already subdued all the Li ghosts in the surrounding area, even the Li ghosts have become Wuji Gu's minions, other ghosts dare not make a move.

As for those LiGi, some of them were still stupid to make a move, but after seeing the senior player being scared by Wuji Gu, they all withdrew their hearts.

The only problem was explaining to the others that Wuji Gu would disappear for a period of time, which was finally left to Sidun Ao and Jia Cheng to explain to the outsiders, who simply gave everyone a day off.

Anyway, this village is now safe, no ghosts dare to haunt, which everyone in the village can also feel, the village around the weird fog has dissipated some time, the long-lost sunshine sprinkled down, so that all people have a sense of reassurance.

Wuji Gu himself is hurriedly dealt with some things, lying in the black coffin to carry out the system arrangements for physical and spiritual strengthening, after all, think about it or here the safest.

The masked man who was originally left here, Wuji Gu, was also released for Sidun Ao and others to watch. Everything will be taken care of when he wakes up.

If other people who have seen the power of Wuji Gu, know that Wuji Gu actually continue to strengthen ...... that is expected to fall into silence.

Wuji Gu in his sleep, suddenly dreamed of his past that he rarely recalled before, that happened when he was still young ......

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