A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 183: leave

Chapter 183: leave

Wuji Gu walked up to the huge monster made up of countless black shadows, as if he could feel the massive negative emotions coming from it.

If it dissipates like this, these ghosts will not be able to rest and will simply dissipate in the area, after which the place will still be turned into a haunted place by this huge resentment.

Of course, the reason for Wuji Gu to turn back is partly because he believes that the monster in front of him and the boss of this copy are also originally one person, and he is also responsible for the other part of the other.

Wuji Gu took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and used his purification technique on the countless black shadows in front of him.

In the eyes of the people on the other side of the bridge, only to see a mass of purified souls floating into the air with a faint white light, you can vaguely see each soul's face with a look of relief, they have been bound in this place for too long.

"That's ......"

At this point, the crowd finally realized that the purification Wuji Gu mentioned earlier was actually a real purification! Instead of directly making the ghosts go away ...... this purification technique, which has been considered by everyone as a chicken rib feature, was actually redeemed by someone and has reached such an advanced level, so you can imagine that Wuji Gu was doing such things in all the other copies before.

They couldn't help but be a bit shocked, they didn't expect Wuji Gu to treat ghosts so equally. There is no other person like this in the whole game!

The monster's eyes looked at Wuji Gu with some consternation. The black coffin on the ground was also quietly pushed open, the youth rose from it, looking at Wuji Gu's eyes incomparable complex.

If Wuji Gu had left the black shadow behind, he would not have been able to leave this copy. After all, the black shadow is also a part of him, and the power it possesses will make Wuji Gu fall into a more bizarre space the moment he passes the bridge, making it more difficult to leave. It is more likely to be lost in that space, staying with him forever.

It was also a sort of test for Wuji Gu, who after all had been left here for so many years, he didn't know if what he said was true or not.

But now, Wuji Gu actually chose to turn back, so that the last of his heart's mustard also finally dissipated.

In the silence of all people, this huge monster composed of countless ghosts into countless white light floating into the air. In this instant, everyone felt some kind of pressure on the invisible things dissipated, the fog around the village also disappeared, at this time the sky finally dawned, the long-lost sunlight shining on the land.

Although the crowd could not be watched, in the village, all the unconscious villagers regained consciousness, and they were all in shock when they saw the outside scene.

[Complete the hidden mission: Unlock the curse of this village, and the player receives a special reward: a black coffin].

[Black Coffin: Players can lock the ghost in it, and the ghost will temporarily fall into a deep sleep for one minute.

Players are also able to lie in defense by themselves and will completely conceal their scent, also allowing other ghosts to mistake the player for their own kind.

This prop has a special role in certain copies.

Some of the resentment of the Liege may be attached to it, there will be unknown side effects, the effect is determined by the Liege's good feeling towards the player].

[Also comes with an ability that allows the player to enter a copy they have been to at will, unless that copy has completely disappeared].

Wuji Gu : "......?"

This special reward always feels like there is a mysterious feeling somewhere that cannot be said. But in general it seems to be a good prop, at least he finally does not have to use the pocket watch all the time. As for that last sentence, the system has said so, this must be the resentment of this copy of the Liege ......

As for the ability of the latter, it is too amazing! Wuji Gu can even imagine himself relying on this ability to take low-level players through the copy of money and so on the picture. The current strength of his to the previous low-level copies of this is not a minute to pass!

But the reality where there is so simple, after all, there are many copies are co-existing a world, plus those copies of the previous faggot and so many, Wuji Gu even if you want to go also need to think about more.

And this time, Wuji Gu turned his head to look, the boss's body youth has sat up from the black coffin, now standing behind him, nodded to Wuji Gu, spoke softly.

"I know you're about to go to a place that I can't get past, and still have to part ways right here in this place. But it doesn't matter now. We will see each other again sooner or later."

Wuji Gu felt that the other party's words seemed to carry some deeper meaning, but before he could finish pursuing the question, the youth's figure disappeared.

Wuji Gu walked to the bridge, ready to head across, when a sudden burnt sight came from behind.

He turned his head and the village chief appeared not far away, looking at Wuji Gu with an icy expression, "Now you should be able to explain that thing that happened in the first place."

The ghost of the village chief is expected to have been following the crowd.

Wuji Gu took a deep breath, "I think we should let her speak for herself on this matter."

The village chief was stunned, and in the next instant, a woman's figure appeared on the bridge behind Wuji Gu. She nodded to the village chief and told him all about the past.

It turns out that at that moment, because the evil spirits were about to attack, Wuji Gu steeply pushed them into the river below. Wuji Gu's teammates were waiting on both sides of the river, and quickly fished each other out of the water.

But because of the changes in the village, the woman could only leave the village alone, but after all, she had the bindings of the village on her body, so she died of illness after several years of persisting in the outside world, and her soul returned to this place.

"So that's how it is." The village chief was relieved and at the same time felt deep guilt, and immediately took out one thing and gave it to Wuji Gu .

"This?" Wuji Gu was somewhat surprised to see a very worn-looking key handed over by the other party.

"This is my compensation gift. It is said that someone used this key to open a non-existent door in the first place to release the gods. I think this key must be useful to you."

"Thanks a lot." Wuji Gu heard the other party's words and knew that this must not be some simple prop, and immediately accepted the key.

[Broken Key: At first glance there is nothing wrong with it, but on closer inspection you can feel the amazing power it contains. You may be able to use it someday]

The woman looked at Wuji Gu with a grateful look in her eyes, "Thank you, if it weren't for you, the curse on this village would never have been lifted."

"Nothing, I just did what I was supposed to do." Wuji Gu opened his mouth, "But at the time when I came in the village, that dream ......"

The woman was suddenly a little embarrassed and spoke: "After all, although you are the reincarnation of that person, I don't know if you and his character are the same. So I tried it out. I believe that if so you will be able to save that god."

Of course because Wuji Gu believed very strongly in his character, it also made the female ghosts feel that he must have entered the village to change the problem.

"So that's how it is." Wuji Gu nodded, and he almost thought many times that he was some kind of scum who cheated on people's feelings! Luckily it wasn't.

So think about it, the biggest gain of this copy, or he is sure that his memory loss thing, wait until after going out must be properly investigated and investigated.

After that, the female ghost and the village chief's ghost said goodbye to Wuji Gu and slowly walked back towards the village, their backs slowly transparent in the sunlight.

I'm sure the people in this village can live a good life in their current village.

[With your efforts, the curse on this village has finally been lifted. Since then this place has become an ordinary village, and the people of the village can travel to the outside world at will without being bound by this place. Even because of the previous rumors, many tourists have come to this place afterwards.]

[And you all set out on the road back, convinced by what you saw and heard in the village that you can accomplish your mission].

Wuji Gu walked to the other side of the river, originally intended to return the red dress props, but found that Shao Yang had already left.

Wuji Gu couldn't help but smile helplessly, "It seems he really, really wants to see you again in the next copy."

The others thanked Wuji Gu, and the ghosts who fled to this side looked at Wuji Gu as if they were benefactors, but they did not ask Wuji Gu to purify them.

After all, these ghosts still want to see the outside world, they have been in bondage in this village for too long, never thought they would actually be able to leave one day.

Wuji Gu walked towards the road to leave this village, but his mind was suddenly dizzy, and the once-recalled scenes he saw in the cave before came back to him.

But this time it is from a third-person perspective, and not quite the same as the scenes Wuji Gu has seen before.

"What is this?"

In the picture, there is a past scene of Wuji Gu leaving the village with others.

"There is no way, the problems of this village we can not solve now, after that if you have the opportunity to come back to see it, you do not have to worry too much."

"Yeah, you've done your best, and it's good enough that we were able to save that bride from the village."

The people around opened their mouths to appease, after all, they all know what Wuji Gu has done, obviously promised others but did not complete, this is really not a good feeling.

And past Wuji Gu nodded, "I didn't care, I knew that one day ...... I would come back here."

Just then, the Wuji Gu in that memory picture turned his head abruptly and his eyes just met the Wuji Gu watching the memory as if he knew there was someone there watching.

Wuji Gu was stunned for a time, and saw the other party give him a smile, then pointed to the location behind himself, opened his mouth and said a few words silently.


"What's that?"

Wuji Gu snapped open his eyes and found that he had left the copy and was still sitting in the crew's car, while his forehead and back were already covered in cold sweat.

"That was decades ago, how could it be possible to talk to 'me', or did he anticipate something? And what's behind him? Or is he talking about my back ......"

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