A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 178: The day of revenge has finally arrived

Chapter 178: The day of revenge has finally arrived

But a breath of work, the crowd suddenly fell into a crisis.

But a closer look reveals that these people's goal is Wuji Gu, and what they want to do is to take advantage of this effort to directly kill the most dangerous Wuji Gu to eliminate future problems.

After all, unknowingly Wuji Gu has become the most like the leader of this line of people, just one of his tumultuous operation is simply too frightening, followed by the two bodyguards originally did not take it seriously, and thought they were ghosts can certainly hang each other, but with the passage of time are almost scared pissed.

As for the surrounding villagers, if they are not completely awake, they are now expected to feel that Wuji Gu is the reincarnation of some god.

"Don't even think about it." Shao Yang's eyes sank, steeply stopped in front of the two bodyguards, since the two bodyguards turned into ghosts had contact with him before, now he should deal with them.

Other players have also made every effort to tangle with these ghosts, the situation was deadlocked, Xiao Qin is anxious, "Brother Gu, you must hold on--"

"I'm all right now." Wuji Gu's voice suddenly rang out.

Xiao Qin turned his head dumbfounded and saw Wuji Gu standing in place, grabbing his kitchen knife in his hand, the whole person looked as if he had just come out of the kitchen as everyday, and reached out to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"The strength of the ghost is really not to be underestimated, I just almost got caught in it, but fortunately I used ten percent of my strength, and dislike the ghost back."

Wuji Gu said is very simple, but what just happened is indeed still more dangerous, that a Liege against Wuji Gu can not just use a hand, hands and feet are all used. Even Wuji Gu strength is amazing, in such a situation is not very good play.

At that moment of crisis, Wuji Gu took out his pocket watch and opened it straight away. Perhaps because Sidun Ao in reality has not been brought in, the pocket watch is also a little golden light, but also slightly hindered the movement of the hands and feet.

Wuji Gu pulled out a kitchen knife a chopping ...... In short, the picture is very mysterious, but the effect is still very good, that the ghost did not expect Wuji Gu use kitchen knife has such a lethal force, resistance can not run away.

The crowd just froze, what happened? Shouldn't this be a time when people are moving and working together as one? Wuji Gu, how is it that the problem was solved without a hitch?

Shao Yang, who was still at war with the two bodyguards, saw that the two bodyguards' faces changed abruptly and wanted to leave, obviously because what had just happened had been scared to death by Wuji Gu.

Shao Yang himself was a bit teary-eyed and took the opportunity to restrain both bodyguards, using his own props to bind them up.

The other ghosts, not to mention the other ghosts, instantly had no intention of continuing to fight with the people and backed away, drifting in the surrounding mist. Although they are ghosts, they also have their own channels of information, and simply do not dare to provoke Wuji Gu.

And at this time, the roadside tree, a hideous ghost appeared around the trunk, the location of its limbs are replaced by black mist, with a resentful look in the eyes to the crowd, especially gazing at Wuji Gu , "Do not think you are stronger is great, we side two Li ghost will still be afraid of you?"

Shao Yang and Xiao Qin's expression is once again complicated, after all, this tree they feel that is too familiar ......

"When I catch you, I will let you know what it means to regret!" The ghost laughed and looked at Wuji Gu, because it had just missed twice at Wuji Gu's side, so it had a strong opinion of Wuji Gu and wanted to kill this human quickly.

"Really?" Wuji Gu looked amazed, "You really want to do this?"

"Of course." The ghost patted a tree on the side, "Brother, do it quickly."

As expected, the next instant the tree shakes violently, the shadow of the tree shakes like a ghost possessing it, and faintly can hear the sound of countless people howling.

Except for the three Wuji Gu, the rest of the people were stiff, as if they had come to some kind of ghost cave.

"This tree is a sacred tree that used to be worshipped in our village." The ghost even proudly explained, "And after my brother possessed on it, he possessed even more power, and was even able to control the surrounding land, and could also bring people into powerful illusions ...... You humans are nothing!"

"That tree is actually really so powerful ......" a player took a deep breath.

Even if Wuji Gu is so big before, but the difficulty of the two ghosts is geometrically increasing ah! It's not something that ordinary big guys can handle!

"It seems that we now need to gather the strength of all of us to be able to survive."

The village chief is also very satisfied with the scene in front of him, this is the picture he wants to see, not what Wuji Gu in the inside of the big show out of the limelight look ...... In the end, this is a haunted village ah!

"So, this is actually still a sacred tree?" Wuji Gu As if inadvertently shaking the kitchen knife in his hand, slowly walking towards that side, "makes me feel more interested."

"Heh, just wait for your death! Just combine our power-"

The ghost's words were not even finished before he felt the trunk he was pressing his hand against suddenly empty.

What happened? Could it be that the ghost attached to the tree could not resist taking the lead?

Soon the ghosts realized that they thought wrong, the tree actually in a fleeing stance, with the whole woods have moved away towards the distance, and other spirits hiding in the forest also followed.

But a few breaths of time, this area has been left with only empty ground, it seems that the ghost standing on top is particularly lonely and lonely.

"What's going on here? Did I see it right?"

"That stern ghost, ran away? Or ran away with the family?"

"This escape speed is also fast enough ......"

In the crowd of stunned emotions, the ghost's face twisted, then looked at Wuji Gu side, eyes fell on the kitchen knife in his hand, tone sinisterly spoke, "is not just a human? Is it necessary to run so fast? If it were me - run faster than it."

At the end of the sentence, the ghost's figure disappeared directly into the mud.

Everyone: "......" is so casual!

Wuji Gu instead spoke in a pensive voice: "It seems that these Liege ghosts do not have to kill us, they may have some kind of working relationship with the Liege boss of this copy. It is advantageous to come against us, but there is nothing wrong with not doing it."

And although the Li-Ghosts in this copy are already at the level of Li-Ghosts according to the grievances and whatnot, the actual strength is not that amazing, but mainly relies on various stunts. Wuji Gu guesses that perhaps within the control of that so-called gods, these ghosts are unable to continue to get stronger.

"That's true." Xiao Qin nodded, he had never seen a ghost that fled so fast, after all, it was always the ghosts that chased them.

"The next of the seven stern ghosts is already down to three. The mountain wall leading to the destination can also be seen here, so we should be able to reach our destination soon."

After Wuji Gu's analysis, the crowd was even more refreshed.

In fact, after seeing the image of the two ghosts fleeing just now, no one has any fear of the road ahead. They are simply here to travel, right!

After that the road was smooth and they had come to the tunnel, and only through the dark tunnel could they reach their destination.

The mayor went straight into it, followed by Wuji Gu and the others, but they were now much safer than before, with the two bodyguards being pressed ahead of them.

Anyway, even if it's a ghost it might still be useful in case of an accident. The two bodyguards probably did not think they would encounter such a thing.

A group of people walking in the cave in the dark, breathing unconsciously sharply.

After all, everything around them is invisible, and they don't know if there are any monsters lurking in the darkness, so they can't help but be scared.

"I have a story I want to tell you." The village chief suddenly opened his mouth in front of him, "It was about decades ago when this village was sheltered by a god, but that god was actually just a monster, and it was only because of its terrible power that it deterred other existences from coming against the village."

The crowd did not expect the village chief would suddenly be so passionate, the heart felt fraudulent, but in order to complete the main task, can only be here to listen.

"The villagers were very afraid of him. So they prepared to find a sacrifice, calling it a bride for the gods, but in reality it was just to get the other side to let down their guard so they could seal him away."

"And at this time, there was a young man who had a mutual affection for a woman in the village and was already ready to get married. But that woman was suddenly chosen as a bride sacrifice." The village chief's voice sank.

Crowd: "......"

Wuji Gu : "......"

No wonder he saw the village head in the memory kill all kinds of people, the original and that bride had an affair is actually the village head?

"The youth was not willing to do so and wanted to escape with the other side. The opportunity soon came when several outsiders arrived, and for some reason, the gods actually allowed them to enter. The youth thought that by taking this opportunity, he should be able to escape from the village. Even the few outlanders found out about it and promised to take the women away with them."

Wuji Gu was slightly relieved, so that he actually did not have an affair with that bride, but only to help the other elope?

Xiao Qin and Shao Yang have also long speculated that the original group of people is also estimated to be players, think their main task may be to take the female NPCs running and so on, such tricky tasks look like the system like to release.

"But what he didn't expect was this." The village chief's voice grew colder and colder, "As they fled the village, the outlander actually pushed the woman directly into the river because of the fear of the gods' fury. All of this was seen by the youth hiding behind the villagers."

"He couldn't forget the images he saw that day. Always waiting for the chance to take revenge. Now, he finally met ...... the reincarnation of that person again. Although that person knew nothing but thought he was an ordinary student, I could feel that their souls were exactly the same."

Even though the place is dark and invisible, Wuji Gu can clearly feel the village chief's eyes staring at him coldly.

"This day of revenge has finally arrived!"

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