A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 173: Gotta offer the bride to the gods first

Chapter 173: Gotta offer the bride to the gods first

Once he had this idea, Wuji Gu's thoughts immediately stopped, and he immediately remembered all the things he had encountered in the past, and always felt that there was something suspicious in them.

But if you think about it, Wuji Gu feels that everything is very real, except for the fuzzy memories of his early childhood.

"Look!" Shao Yang suddenly tapped Wuji Gu's shoulder violently, his voice lowered to a whisper, "What are those guys up to?"

Wuji Gu turned his head and noticed that the group looked like they were leaving from the village. Several of the others had disapproving looks on their faces, obviously not wanting to come to this god's bride. The young man who looked just like him was slowly walking this way.

Wuji Gu didn't know how to describe his feelings, and finally he chose to calm down and appreciate his own face.

The woman inside the house heard the movement gladly opened the door, but the youth outside did not go directly in, even without moving to avoid touching the room, and then spoke to the woman in a low voice: "Things have been handled, you just have to do as said before, wait until almost dawn to the promised location on the line."

Things have developed to this point, they are already feeling confused, it is as if they are being pressed here to forcefully watch the plot develop. Is this ghost creating this illusion because he has a dream of showing a movie?

Wuji Gu originally thought of elopement, why not just take away together, then noticed that this room seems to be not simple, although at first glance is very ordinary, but look carefully, but found that it contains a strong resentment, and can even faintly see some resentment of the face attached to the wailing above.

And from the window to look in, the woman inside the look with a few weird, completely unlike normal people.

"This house is too weird." Shao Yang frowned, "We'd better not go near it."

"Hmm." Wuji Gu nodded, "It seems this village was already weird before that happened, no wonder the people in the village still do things like that afterwards ...... guess sacrificing people have become very skilled."

"Is it really going to be okay?" The woman's tone was still somewhat apprehensive, nervously inquiring, "What if they catch us?"

"No one will come to get you." The youth's voice carried a few complications, "I've made a deal with 'him'. And by the time the ceremony starts, they won't have time by then."

As Wuji Gu and Shao Yang listened, they felt as if something else was revealed in each other's words.

But again, the people in this copy speak the usual pretence, in short, is obscured, listen to half a day are to rely on their own brain, or simply do not know what the hell is said!

Wuji Gu is thinking if this person is really himself, how not to be nice to him himself! Talking still so mysterious, pretending to be so happy?

...... Of course, it's fun to pretend.

"Maybe this is not an ordinary scum." Shao Yang mused, "He should know something and do this with a plan, maybe the villain boss of this copy is this person!"

Wuji Gu : "...... I don't think so! It could be a misunderstanding."

If that's really him, Wuji Gu thinks he would never be scum, but maybe that's a trap set by this copy ......

"Anyway, it's better to follow and see what happens."

After explaining the two listened to the confused notes, such as out of the village when you absolutely can not look back ah and so on, the youth also turned away, the line of people's backs just disappeared in the mist.

Wuji Gu and Shao Yang immediately chased after them, watching the others enter the fog, Wuji Gu intuition told him he had to go after them and rushed straight into the fog.

Shao Yang slightly hesitated, without looking at all know that the fog in front of you must be very dangerous, but think of Wuji Gu saved himself several times, he sighed again, only with props special to follow the past.

Walking in the fog unconsciously becomes difficult, the surrounding buildings are blurred, only the faint shadow of people in front of them, so that Wuji Gu they do not lose track.

But at that moment, a loud noise from the side interrupted Wuji Gu and Shao Yang's progress.

From the side of the alleyway, several ghosts with twisted bodies and hideous faces emerged, and they were not memories of Wuji Gu's illusion, but existences with strong resentment. Wuji Gu even more reckless in the face of such a danger is also stopped the body.

The good thing is that none of these ghosts saw them as if, but walked around without a target, although there was little danger, but just so Wuji Gu and Shao Yang could not advance. But after a few breaths of hesitation, the shadows there had completely disappeared.

"Shit, there's no way to get past at this rate." Shao Yang frowned, "Do we still have to go back the way we came?"

"I don't think that's possible." Wuji Gu opened his mouth and Shao Yang noticed that a large number of ghosts had appeared behind them at some point, but of course they were also as aimless as lonely ghosts.

And right now the only thing they can go to is actually the red gate next to this alley.

It was as if everything was guiding them here. Both of them smelled something conspiratorial.

"Go in." Wuji Gu did not hesitate, anyway, have come in such an illusionary realm, what is the use of hesitation, might as well just mang.

Shao Yang nodded and they pushed the door open.

What they didn't notice at all was that after they entered the door, a figure with an umbrella slowly walked in the mist, and the other side slowly looked at their side.

The two immediately saw that it was a spacious pitch-black hall, and inside there were seven empty coffins.

"What's going on?" Wuji Gu was a little surprised, "Didn't they say that only after the appearance of the female ghost, there was a high person to guide them to create the coffin? Why actually now ......"

"It does seem that the rumors we were told had a lot of errors. It's probably a smoke screen for this copy." Shao Yang walked forward, carefully checking into the coffin all the time, which was empty of anything.

Wuji Gu continued on and found a heavy book in front of them, just like the one the village chief had given them before, but it looked even older.

"This is it." Wuji Gu flipped it open directly and immediately saw that the book was a giant account of all kinds of things in the village, including the truth about the village that they wanted to know.

Since some time, the village has accepted the shelter of a certain god. But the people of the village do not know how to cherish, take everything for granted, but also made a lot of rude behavior, angered the gods, on the village sent a plague.

No one in the village can easily leave this place, and everyone is jinxed, even if they just want to live an ordinary life, they will always encounter all kinds of trouble.

And unknowingly, the village also has a large number of monsters, so that people are completely afraid to go out at night, many people have died for unknown ...... in such a situation everyone is difficult to protect themselves, of course, will not take into account how others died.

In such a situation, it is not known what high people came up with the idea that they made the idea of wanting to send a bride to the gods to put their anger to rest for a while ...... but this is not the end of everything.

These coffins are prepared for the future sacrifices. Rumor has it that as long as you take advantage of the gods' big wedding day when they have no time to distract themselves from all the offerings, you will be able to put the gods into a deep sleep and everything will return to normal. Of course these things are done more covertly.

As for the reason why that woman was chosen as a sacrifice, there is also a basis, it is said that on a certain day because of her and caused a difference in the gods, it is naturally considered to be a woman favored by the gods.

Wuji Gu I don't know who is so bored to write everything in detail in the book, but it's always cheaper for them.

After that came several outsiders, as a rule such people should not enter the village before and after the ceremony, but the gods personally promised them to enter the village, these few outsiders also got the VIP treatment.

Everything is written to this place.

"It is true that the female ghost thing is a rumor, the real most terrible person is actually the so-called gods." Shao Yang's expression turned grave, without even thinking about it, knew that this god must not be easy to deal with, where can be like the previous several severe ghosts by Wuji Gu have subdued.

"Those Outlanders were weird too, did they have something else to do with the gods? They wouldn't have had someone become a so-called sacrifice as well."

"According to the situation, this ritual should have been successful and the god has successfully fallen asleep." Wuji Gu said: "But he is already to slowly awaken, that's why all kinds of strange things are happening in the village ...... If we want to leave this copy, is it to imitate what happened back then? It's like an event to be held in the village."

"And regardless of whether the same mistake the other side will make again. If you want to do that, you have to offer a bride to the gods first, right?" Shao Yang took a deep breath, "We have absolutely no idea what flavor he likes, or maybe he's just partial to that female ghost from before?"

"Who knows." Wuji Gu closed the book. Wuji Gu closed the book, Shao Yang's words reminded him of some memories of his own female costume, the system can not be so evil to let him in this copy of the female costume again, "Then we just catch the female ghost on the line."

Shao Yang : "?" How can catching a ghost be as easy as catching a cricket?

Wuji Gu : "Anyway, the female ghost is still in the village." After all, he dreamed of the other side as soon as he arrived, so it's obvious that the female ghost is probably living quite well in the village.

"Let's wait and see, now, when this illusion will actually end."



By the early morning, the village was suddenly bustling with activity, and the spooky ghosts in the original fog had disappeared. It also allowed Wuji Gu and Shao Yang to finally get out of the house.

Of course this lively but creepy, only with the noise, listen carefully but no human voice. Soon after, the sound of footsteps neatly rang out, a blurred face stiff villagers are coming out of the house.

Do not know if it is the special effects of this space or what, these people look completely without the breath of the living, each with eyes without a soul, but also to increase the effect of terror.

A palanquin carried by several young and strong villagers passed in front of Wuji Gu's eyes, and Wuji Gu and Shao Yang immediately followed it.

These people carried the palanquin to a hidden location at the entrance of the village, and then actually all retreated back. All the other villagers also returned to the house, as if in avoiding something.

But the woman in the sedan chair is straight out, as if ignoring the general speed towards the direction of the village outside.

"Keep up with her!"

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