A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 172: Could the reality be that I, too, have lost my memory because of something?

Chapter 172: Could the reality be that I, too, have lost my memory because of something?

But the next moment, Xiao Qin suddenly felt that something was wrong, a cold feeling jumped up from the spine, he looked around, these thought to be the existence of the shadow of the tree, but from the beginning is a ghost.

He sprang to his feet, only to find himself surrounded by villagers.

These seemingly ordinary villagers, in fact, in this place has been a monster-like existence, each with bloodshot eyes, expressionless towards Xiao Qin.

"Oh no ...... seems from the beginning they found me, what a blunder." Xiao Qin face cold sweat dripping down madly, he began to realize that he could not escape.

If he had recovered his memory earlier, things would not have turned out like this! At least he was able to use the props before, but now it's too late, under the siege of so many ghosts, he could not escape even if he used all the props, not to mention that this space is such a bizarre.

"Only that way, although very risky, but if it is him, may be able to save me out." Xiao Qin took a deep breath, her eyes had become firm.

If it was other teammates, Xiao Qin estimated that he did not have the courage to trust his life, after all, these players which are willing to spend time to save a person who does not know how to die, but if it was Wuji Gu's words, he can definitely!

For some reason, Xiao Qin has such trust in Wuji Gu, and he has always trusted his instincts.

"Be sure to discover the clues I left behind ......"


"It's amazing that people continue to live in this village with so many rumors like this." Wuji Gu and Shao Yang both walk through the mists.

After inquiring with the middle-aged man about this evil spirit, they told him to wait outside and the two of them walked towards their previous resting place.

It is said that the village is not allowed to take the coffin out of the house, but the family seemed to be stimulated by something and had to put the coffin outside. And the village chief actually acquiesced to their behavior, which caused such a situation.

And this time the sacrifice, it is said to have been a villager sent to retrieve the elopement of men and women, after the woman turned into a powerful ghost, in order to quell the wrath of the powerful ghost, the man with no background and little status in the village was launched to sacrifice, in short, is also a poor man must have a hateful place.

What happened after that was simply smooth to the point of being unnatural. They walked right into a mist, and they went right into this weird, eerie, cold space.

Obviously everything around is still the village, but apparently the details have changed, time seems to go back decades. The fog inside the village is even thicker to an abnormal degree, but there are a lot of people who look like very ordinary villagers, and they see Wuji Gu two people as if they were looking at something airy.

"After all, to the people of this village, maybe everything is still pretty normal." Shao Yang opened his mouth, "Anyway, I guess nothing big happened before we came. That makes it feel like we players are really a disaster."

Wuji Gu suddenly noticed something, "It seems that the ability of this Liege may be to create the illusion of the year, and its greatest resentment is definitely about that female ghost elopement ...... Does it mean that this is the opportunity provided to us by the system, so that we can investigate the real situation at the beginning? "

But based on the urine of the previous copies, Wuji Gu thinks it will not go so well.

"Anyway, let's take a look around the village for now." Shao Yang also always felt that the system would not be so kind.

As Wuji Gu and Shao Yang walked forward, they heard the villagers around them talking.

"Is it really good to let those people from outside the village in? Obviously the ceremony is close, will these people cause trouble."

"Should not do anything either, these people should just rest and go away ...... It is said that the Lord Gods also acquiesced to their entry into the village."

"But that man in there is really good looking. If it weren't for the wrong gender, I'd feel like I was going to fall in love."

Wuji Gu and Shao Yang : "......"

The last sentence is too wrong in the style of painting!

"That man, it is estimated that the man who eloped with the female ghost." Wuji Gu mused, "actually or a very good-looking man? ...... Surely the scum will often rely on the face to deceive people, right?"

Shao Yang couldn't help but look at Wuji Gu for a moment, although what these people said had nothing to do with Wuji Gu, but he always mysteriously associated with Wuji Gu. But of course, a good guy like Wuji Gu can't be a scumbag.

To find the woman is quite smooth, because the other party at this time is the future wife of the gods, naturally do not live in ordinary places, but in the middle of the village in a building, others can not approach.

When the two walked nearby, they steeply saw a shadow come out of the house, and the appearance is also extremely familiar, it is the village chief's appearance.

"How is it him?" Both felt something was wrong and hurriedly chased after him, but the other's figure disappeared into the village alleyway.

The phantom of this village is not perfect, most places are covered by fog, just like the air wall in some games, it is simply inaccessible, even if forced to enter will only ghost back to the same place.

And the fog also gives a very dangerous feeling, as if there is some kind of monster lurking in it.

"It's already made an illusion! I can't believe there's still such a thing as air walls." Wuji Gu feel completely incomprehensible, it is like so easy to play what the holographic game, the results of the map is pathetically small is also the feeling of air walls, this illusion is also too poor it!

The two had no choice but to go back around the house, the good thing is that they are also here is also no one can see, so they can approach the house as if nothing happened.

And at that moment, the voice of a woman crying came from the house, "Does it really have to be me?"

"Hey, it's all been decided." Another older-sounding voice rang out, "And it's a blessing for you to be the wife of a god."

"What blessing! It is simply to become a dead person only ...... I do not want to die yet ......"

Wuji Gu felt a strong familiarity, and when he looked at the person inside the house, he instantly fell into silence. After all, the woman in front of him was exactly the same as the woman who appeared in the dream he had on the first day he came to the village.

"No way ......" Wuji Gu couldn't help but feel bad, vaguely aware that something was about to happen that he definitely didn't want to see.

The woman is now crying against a middle-aged woman who is also in Wuji Gu's dream world. In the dream, one accuses Wuji Gu of being a scumbag and the other tells him to run, but everything is actually a trap.

Although Wuji Gu now also do not know what is outside the house, but it is clear that as long as he listened to the middle-aged woman to escape to the outside world, the end is not too good.

"If she is the stern ghost boss, is there a need to deceive me with that kind of tactics? This copy of the Knight Ghost boss must be someone else." Wuji Gu couldn't help but think, "And I'm just an ordinary player, there's no need to come up here and confuse me ...... What exactly are they trying to do?"

If Wuji Gu was not keenly aware that he could not be a scum such a thing, he is estimated to have cooled off.

The two people in the room and some undernourished conversation, probably that the woman does not want to become the wife of the gods, because it sounds good, but in fact is a direct way to send people to death.

But everything can not be helped, after all, in such a small backward village, she can hardly survive, even if you want to leave and where is so easy.

After the middle-aged woman comforted, she left, before leaving words also some intolerant said: "Tomorrow is the day the ceremony was held, I know you and those outside the village some communication, but I are turning a blind eye ...... tonight you can also say goodbye to that person, after all, after will never see each other again."

Wuji Gu and Shao Yang immediately realized that the legendary drama was about to happen, and they both took a deep breath.

After the picture turned, it was late, the village was quiet to the extreme, even a little light does not exist, coupled with the surrounding fog, a glance would even feel that this place only exists this one house.

Only this room, because of the wedding ceremony is lit with red candles, in this fog emits a faint light, giving a sense of reassurance.

Seeing this scene, Wuji Gu more and more remembered the dream he had, the room in the dream is probably this room, everything is right.

Except for his mysterious scum identity in the dream.

"What the hell is going on, does this copy still have a close relationship with me? Let them have to come to persecute me?" Wuji Gu pondered, "Could it be that it's all because of that so-called god? Is he having a grudge against me?"

Just then, footsteps sounded, and although they were already very soft, they were enough to get the attention of both men in this space.

Only to see the figures of several people emerge from the alleyway, the leader of the man simply said to be a crane, regardless of the figure or perfect face, so that the first glimpse of a person's eyes, placed in such a village simply gives a feeling of the wrong picture.

"It seems that this is the scum." Shao Yang frowned and spoke, "It looks quite decent and good-looking, so it can easily hook up with the little girl, right? I didn't think it would end up being that kind of person ......"

Wuji Gu : "......"

It's not right! Why does this scum look exactly the same as he does in reality! How about, this move and attitude is simply himself!

Wuji Gu is not so bad that he can't even recognize himself.

After experiencing the previous copy, Wuji Gu had already vaguely realized that something seemed to have happened in the part of his memory that wasn't there, or else there would have been a copy of him.

But what I didn't expect was that such a thing would happen again! A clear reminder to Wuji Gu that what happened in the last copy was definitely not something that happened by chance.

"But ......" Wuji Gu also suddenly realized a point, "I just came to this copy I was able to lose my memory because of the system's setting and thought I was just an ordinary student. So could the real me also have lost my memory because of something?"

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