A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 168: He is targeted by that being

Chapter 168: He is targeted by that being

A few minutes later, all the unemployed youths in the village were on the ground, looking at Wuji Gu with horror in their eyes.

They don't know what the hell this person grew up eating! It looks so small and white, why the power is actually so amazing!

After the group got up, they ran out in a hurry without caring about the belongings on the ground, and also brushed past Shao Yang and Xiao Qin who had just arrived. The two people who came later probably understood what had happened, both shook their heads in their hearts, others Wuji Gu but even ghosts can fight people! What's the point of beating up a few hoodlums?

The girl over there was a little stunned, then thanked Wuji Gu for his help, and together they gathered up the things on the floor.

"Thank you so much." The girl spoke up, "If it weren't for you, I don't know what I would have done."

"It's okay." Wuji Gu vaguely felt as if he had once encountered such a thing, he also noticed that obviously his parents had died only a short time ago, the girl in front of him seemed too calm some ...... but considering that their family relationship was not very good either, this did not seem very strange.

And the other party had said to him that his sister died a few years ago, but the villagers said the family's eldest daughter was sacrificed more than a decade ago, so I guess someone must have lied about it. What is this all about.

Wuji Gu asked, "But won't the village help with your family's affairs?" It was a little too much for a minor girl to live alone.

"This is there." The girl said, "Just have to wait until after the event, the village will have time to deal with my matter, should not be a big problem, when the time to notify relatives outside ......"

Wuji Gu was relieved to hear this.

Next to Shao Yang was observing the weirdness of the house, and felt that compared to the time they lived here, it looked more weird and eerie, he asked directly to the point, "This is also one of the seven buildings in the village legend, have you encountered strange things?"

The girl looked a little evasive, "This, I'm not very clear, you guys sit here first, I'll go get some food."

Not to mention Shao Yang, Wuji Gu can see some problems, thinking that the girl is not also infected are very sick, this will not continue and her parents like suicide it.



And over there, the girl enters the kitchen, a dark face faintly appears on the wall beside her, and it is the ghostly face Wuji Gu once encountered.

"Sister, did they find something." The girl spoke in a whisper.

From the time she could remember, her parents treated her badly because she was not a boy, and the only one who took care of her was her sister. After that incident although her sister died, she did not leave her side.

If not for this, she may not be able to grow up in this place unharmed, and may have long since gone wrong because of all the weird things that happen in this village.

When she took Wuji Gu in, the girl had the idea of letting her sister devour the outsiders to get out of bondage. The hint to Wuji Gu is also half-true, after all, there is something in the fog outside.

But she didn't expect Wuji Gu to be really kind, and she couldn't help but feel a little intolerant at this point.

"After all, these few people are not simple, they should have other purposes for coming to this village." The black shadow slowly spoke, "You'd better not get in touch with them, lest something happen afterwards to be involved."

"But these guys seem like really good people, should we warn them." The girl hesitantly whispered, "Because the seal of this place is going to be unsustainable, can we ask them to help to unbind you?"

"There's no need." The black shadow remembered the events of that day and was slightly disturbed, but at the same time felt that Wuji Gu's words and actions diluted that sense of awe, "He is the one who is being targeted by 'that being', who knows what will happen if we make rash contact."

The girl instantly blushed, she did not expect Wuji Gu and others to be involved in so many things.

"But he is indeed a good man too." The dark shadow concluded, "If you really want to thank him, just tell him to be careful."

"Be careful of what?"

"Be careful with those coffins." The black shadow spoke softly, as if worried that someone else had detected the movement here.

The girl didn't know much about it either, but the thought of helping Wuji Gu was a great relief and she immediately headed outside.

"It is impossible to leave and get rid of those who are targeted by 'that being', everything is predetermined from the beginning ......" the black shadow pondered in his mind. "But if he can find that only way, there is a way to leave, but can he really find it ......"

What's more, there's not much time left for them now. That ceremony, but the day after tomorrow will be held.

"But speaking of which, where exactly did he attract the attention of 'that existence', obviously he should have never come to this village before that, or was there something that I don't know about."



Wuji Gu and the others rested here, ate some dry snacks that they couldn't eat, and then prepared to go out and poke around the village.

As she said goodbye, the girl whispered to Wuji Gu what her sister had told her.

Wuji Gu nodded, although not quite sure what was going on, but in any case, first remember this matter.

Although they are ready to run away to the police, but anyway there is time, Wuji Gu also took the opportunity to visit the village, but also found some information.

When the sun goes down, everything around seems to be shrouded in mist, all the windows and doors are closed. No one lit a lamp, the whole village is dead silent.

The good thing is that Wuji Gu and other people brought enough rechargeable batteries, plus the phone without network they have not used much in the past few days, and now can barely use the phone lighting.

The three of them found a place to sit and wait for the zero hour to go to the house after that. Shao Yang from the beginning to the end of the pinch of defense props, Xiao Qin next to the trembling, feel their cold shiver.

"This place is too terrible." Xiao Qin sighed, feeling too tired to lean back a little, he felt leaning on a hard object.

Xiao Qin's body stiffened, turned his head, and found a dark coffin behind him at some point, the most frightening thing is that the coffin is still in the open state.

"What is this?" He steeply took several steps back and hurriedly tried to call out to Wuji Gu and Shao Yang, but found that the two men had disappeared.

"What the hell is going on here!!!" Xiao Qin was simply scared to death, how could he dare to walk alone in such a place, "Brother Gu? Shao Yang? You guys appear ah, do not scare me!"

The next moment, he abruptly glanced at the fog not far away seems to have several figures walking past, one of them is extremely familiar just by looking at the back, although the dress seems to be a little different, but also wearing as if to hold some kind of wedding red clothes.

But for some reason, he had a clear feeling that the person must be Wuji Gu.

Xiao Qin was overjoyed and didn't even think too much about it, he chased after it furiously.


On the other hand, seeing that the time has come to zero. Wuji Gu called up two people to go with him.

Xiao Qin stood behind him and held onto Wuji Gu's sleeve for dear life.

Wuji Gu also didn't think there was anything wrong, after all, Xiao Qin is usually such a wimp.

The three soon arrived at their destination, the middle-aged man sneakily pushed open the door, saw the three of them immediately a burst of joy, and hurriedly let them into the courtyard.

"You're here, the ......" middle-aged man eyed the two men.

Shao Yang directly dumped the money to him, the middle-aged man immediately smiled happily and directly handed over the broken tricycle to them, while also informing the route to leave the village, "This road is the longest used by our village people for trading in general, the road is relatively smooth and good to leave."

"But at this time of night, won't the whole village find out about the drive?" Wuji Gu asked.

"You do not know, the people in this village are extremely superstitious, no matter what sound they hear at night, they will take it as if they are deaf." The middle-aged man said, "You can go with confidence."

Wuji Gu still feel a little mysterious, but in that case, so it is ...... want to leave this village there is nothing else to do.

"There's a problem, we don't have anyone who can drive a tricycle." Shao Yang said.

The smile on the middle-aged man's face froze for a while, "This, I am not able to go out ...... after all, now close to the ceremony, the mists outside the village but everyone knows not to touch the existence, no one will dare to go out at night, let alone raise the village."

"Now what?" Shao Yang took out another pile of money from his arms. To be honest Wuji Gu was curious as to how on earth he had brought so much cash here.

The middle-aged man was defeated in the end by the money attack, not to mention that he has long had the idea of following through to collect the bodies of Wuji Gu and others to get money. Anyway, he has lived in this village for so long and knows a lot of rules, there is no reason why he should die first when something happens.

Just like that, the silent village resounded with the noisy sound of tricycles starting up, I don't know how many villagers were scared to death, thinking that something had happened.



The tricycle did not take long to have driven out of the central area of the village, to the outside of the mountain road, where it has been isolated to the extreme, surrounded by dark fog, can not see anything clearly.

The weird thing is that some of the graves that are occasionally visible by the roadside are extremely clear, and even the names written on them can be clearly seen.

Shao Yang frowned, he knew it was never to leave the village, but since the middle-aged man could provide the tricycle, maybe this is also a clue about the copy, even if it is more dangerous to come to face.

If this guts are not there, he would not be able to mix to this advancement copy. Although Shao Yang does not know how in the end Xiao Qin kind of person is mixed up to today.

This bizarre atmosphere around him makes the middle-aged man's heart beat frantically, with countless terrible rumors of the village ringing in his head, and his hands can't help but tremble a little, but the thought of the money he can get gives him courage again.

"I saw a man on the side of the road waving at us." Wuji Gu suddenly spoke.

The middle-aged man heard Wuji Gu's words are the dog, what people ah, that is absolutely fucking ghost ah! He immediately drove the tricycle faster, but because the tricycle is too broken, soon there was a problem, stuck in a hole in the road.

"To lift this car out of the pit must be quite a lot of work ......" middle-aged man reveals a desperate look, as if they can feel the ghost behind the kind of feeling of chasing over.

The next instant he felt a strong force coming from the body, which had apparently been lifted from the pit.

Wuji Gu, who climbed on board again, said with some surprise, "I didn't expect the car to be quite light."

Middle-aged man: "?"

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