A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 569: Greed Viper Vs Lu Chen Part 1

Chapter 569: Greed Viper Vs Lu Chen Part 1

Chapter 569: Greed Viper Vs Lu Chen Part 1

Greed Viper's reflexes kicked in as he quickly ducked down. Lu Chen sliced the air. It didn't take a second as he quickly changed the trajectory, slicing down at him!

"Gnn!" Greed Viper blocked Lu Chen's hand from coming down further. The knife was only a few millimeters away from his forehead! The assassin kicked Lu Chen in the gut, putting space between him and Lu Chen!

Lu Chen was calm, unfazed by the blow. 

"Who are you-Wait, you're that kid!" Getting a clearer look at Lu Chen, that was one of the people on the list to be captured. Lu Chen didn't give an answer as he charged at him again!

Lu Chen's idea was not to give Greed Viper any time to think and react.

Greed Viper looked at him venomously, "Since you want to die so badly, you will face my wrath!" He unsheathed his dagger, slashing upwards! 

Lu Chen quickly blocked it with his forearm. Retaliating, he slammed his leg down, wanting to split Greed Viper's head like a melon.

"I admit, you're strong, But you're way over your head." Greed Viper said as he stared at Lu Chen. He could feel the sting coming from where Lu Chen kicked him. 

"Since you want to kill me, I will do the same." As Greed Viper talked, Lu Chen was about to charge in again. But he quickly paused as he looked at him. 

Why is he moving like that? 

Greed Viper was moving his arm in a wavy motion, and his dagger was the same. It was not normal at all. 

What's going on? As Lu Chen thought this, that was when Greed Viper struck! He extended his hand at extreme speed! But Lu Chen took precautions and stepped back. 

Lu Chen gauged the distance he had between Greed Viper. He knew his dagger would not reach him. 

"!" But Lu Chen didn't realize the distance was much more. The dagger went slicing at Lu Chen's throat! 

It was a clean cut. Not enough to end Lu Chen's life. But it was certainly enough to cause a problem. 

Lu Chen quickly held his neck. Blood gushed out. But it didn't hit any vital points. 

"Heh, you're quite the fighter, kid. No wonder you could defeat Lethal Snake. But you have overstepped." 

"Quit it with your bantering. You're an assassin, not a loudmouth." Lu Chen glared. 

"Arrogant brat! I'm going to enjoy carving out your mouth!" Greed Viper laughed as he charged. Bit by bit, cut marks started to form on Lu Chen's body. 

As Greed Viper attacked, he continued to attack him using weird movements. 

All of his wounds weren't fatal. But it was slowly growing. 

This is it! Die, brat! Seeing how Lu Chen closed his eyes, Greed Viper was going for the kill! His aim was for his neck again! But Lu Chen opened his eyes, swinging his blade to counter his dagger!

"How can you still move at such speed?!" Greed Viper quickly moved away from Lu Chen. Lu Chen's reaction surprised him. He had been making small cuts on Lu Chen, making him lose blood as much as possible. 

Greed Viper wanted to make Lu Chen light-headed. Those small cuts may not affect Lu Chen. But if it was many, that changed things.

Losing all that blood would have caused his reaction and bodily function to slow down.  

But Lu Chen had the response to block it.

"I finally understood that stupid tactic of yours." And Lu Chen realized it as well. Greed Viper's movement was a ruse. That was only to confuse his opponents with what he was doing. 

Greed Viper wasn't an assassin. He was more of a fighter. 

That added an extra element of surprise. 

"So? You're already one foot away from death." Greed Viper had said. Lu Chen still had many cuts on him.

"Heh."Lu Chen chuckled as he started to move around.

"!" That?! Greed Viper knew what he was doing. Those were his moves!

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