A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 533: Reactions from various companies

Chapter 533: Reactions from various companies

Chapter 533 Reactions from various companies

Prince Yus Mansion.


Wei Qingwan had just regained her composure in the past few days when she was shocked and speechless by the sudden news.

The Qi family...was actually ransacked?

The Qi family, which had so much power, collapsed like this?

"Where is the prince? How is the prince?" Wei Qingwan asked anxiously.

"I don't know, but I heard that the prince is in the palace now and has not gone anywhere... There are also many soldiers and horses outside, and it seems that no one in the mansion can get out..." Cui He can find out the news limited.

Then... what about Mr. Qi? Where is he? Wei Qingwan continued to ask.

"I don't know, but I think he was arrested. I heard someone said that the entire Qi family is in jail."

Wei Qingwan slumped on the chair, not knowing what to do for a while.

She had just cheered up a few days ago, feeling that as long as she went to Prince Yu's side concubine, her hope would still be there.

But today, reality gave her another blow!

If the Qi family really falls, does it mean that King Yu will also lose his position as heir apparent?

No, no, absolutely not! Wei Qingwan shook her head quickly, refusing to accept this reality.


Lu family.

Mr. Lu found Lu Yuhong, who was practicing gun dancing in the practice room at home after recovery, and told him about the raid on Qi's home.

These days, Lu Yuhong spends most of his time recuperating at home due to his injuries. Even if he occasionally goes out, he is accompanied by the Lu family's guards. Therefore, Mr. Lu knows that Lu Yuhong has never gone to King Jing Chulan, and Lu Yuhong is also unaware of what is happening now. .

"Grandpa, you know that I have never cared about the affairs of the court. I have good relations with Chu Lan because he is Chu Lan. I will help him with some insignificant things, but when it comes to the real battle for the crown prince, I I will not participate." Lu Yuhong said.

It used to be like this, and I didnt intend to get involved, but things have changed a bit now, so Im going to explain it to you today so that you can be mentally prepared.

"What's the difference? Grandpa, do you have a candidate for the crown prince that you want to support?" Lu Yuhong asked.

You owe Princess Rui two lives. Old Mrs. Lu said.

I know this, Grandpa, I will pay back what I owe her, and I will go through fire and water as long as she needs me in the future!

"How do you go to bed and show off your anger? This favor is not yours alone, but also belongs to our Lu family." Mr. Lu said solemnly.

But grandpa, I know you dont want to get involved in the court situation, and King Naruis body does not allow him to participate in the battle for the crown prince.

"I don't want to get involved in the court situation, but if there is really any dispute, our Lu family will try our best to protect the palace, do you understand?" Mr. Lu explained.

I understand this. Lu Yuhong nodded.

"So...if King Jing wants to attack King Rui, do you understand which side you and I will stand on?" Old Mrs. Lu asked.

Grandpa, Chu Lan will not take action against Prince Rui, and he has no grudge against Prince Rui!

"You, you, can you be more considerate! Is this a question of whether there is any grudge? Prince Rui was born to Queen Xu, and is theoretically the only prince who is a direct descendant. He is in poor health now. What if he can't be healthy in the future? Okay? Chu Lan is the prince and the person who wants to be the emperor. If he is not hard-hearted, he will not be able to sit in that position! "

But grandpa... I still think Chu Lan wouldnt do that.

"Then let me just assume that Chu Lan wants to take action?" "Then...then my grandson will protect Prince Rui's mansion, and he will definitely repay this kindness."

"It's good that you understand. I, the son of the Lu family, must prioritize my family, country and people, followed by righteousness. I must live an upright life, worthy of heaven and earth, worthy of my own conscience, and then my own life. Do you understand?" Old Mrs. Lu said.

My grandson understands!


For the next few days, people could see soldiers in armor walking through the streets.

Several people close to the Qi family were arrested.

The Wei family waited for several days but did not wait for Wei Yichen to come back. He did not know whether he was hiding from the Wei family intentionally or was delayed by court affairs, so he stayed out for several days without returning to his house.

Instead, they were waiting for the news that Wei Yichen had been promoted to the Imperial Academy.

After the emperor dismissed General Qi Yansong and the original cabinet team, he was in urgent need of fresh blood to fill the cabinet.

According to convention, cabinet members are selected from the Hanlin Academy, so a group of former officials of the Hanlin Academy were promoted to academicians of the Hanlin Academy and entered the cabinet.

As a result, the official positions of other people in the Hanlin Academy were promoted accordingly.

Wei Yichen is one of them, and he is also the one who has risen the fastest.

The Hanlin Academy was read as a Zhenglin product. The previously compiled post was southern six grades. In just half a year, Wei Yichen entered the first order. This is not unfortunate.

In addition to the fact that Qi Yansong was punished this time, Wei Yichen's own ability is also a very important factor.

It is said that Wei Yichen performed very well in his position during the past six months and did not form cliques with others for personal gain, which was highly appreciated by the emperor.

After hearing the news reported by the servants, Wei Minghong and Wei Mingyong looked extremely ugly.

Mrs. Wei looked at her eldest son Wei Minghong and her second son Wei Mingyong who were both looking good in front of her and said, "It seems that Yichen made the right move. He saved their third family by turning against you, and our Wei family is now in the middle of the court." Those who have made great achievements are all people with three bedrooms.

Hearing Mrs. Wei's words, everyone realized that Mrs. Wei agreed to Wei Yichen's unreasonable request out of such considerations.

"Mom, if Yichen knew something was going to happen to the Qi family, why didn't he tell us earlier? Why did he have to come up with such a roundabout way? He clearly only cares about himself and doesn't care about our lives!" Wei Mingyong complained.

Yes, he should at least mention it to us so that we can be mentally prepared. Wei Minghong agreed.

Although he has no dealings with Wei Mingyong, Wei Minghong's views are consistent with Wei Mingyong's on this matter.

"Madam, did you know this all along?" Mr. Wei looked at Mrs. Wei next to him in surprise.

"I just guessed the kid Yichen's plan, but I'm not completely sure. The kid is smart and calm in doing things. I thought at the time that he didn't do it out of anger, so I thought this way."

"I see, no wonder you agreed, madam." Only now did Mr. Wei really understand. At that time, he still blamed his wife. Now it seems that she is more foresight than him.

"But mother, what should we two do in this case?" Wei Mingyong asked anxiously.

"Yes, mother, you can't be so partial. The third bedroom is saved, what about our first and second bedrooms?" Wei Minghong said.

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