80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 120: Don't blame her for being cruel

   Chapter 120 Don't blame her for being cruel

   Jiang Zhiying was a little confused.

   Jiang Shixun is also too powerful, no wonder he became a big boss later.

  If he goes to treat Feng Baozhi as written in the book in the future, wouldn't she lose a lot?

   It seems that she has to be more careful.

  Feng Baozhi had better stop playing tricks, otherwise... don't blame her for being ruthless!

   To make a person disappear without knowing it, she has a way!

   Jiang Shixun didn't know Jiang Zhiying's dangerous thoughts at this time. Seeing her dumbfoundedly looking at him, he couldn't help laughing: "What? Don't know Dad?"

   "Are you really a father~" Jiang Zhiying deliberately played tricks, "but you don't look like your father at all, and your father is much prettier than you!"

   Jiang Shixun laughed even harder, and reached out and pinched Jiang Zhiying's face: "How old are you, do you know how good you are?"

  Jiang Zhiying smiled smugly: "Of course, I have eyes, and I'm so smart, like my father~"

   Her smug little appearance is so cute, especially the rainbow fart at the end, which pierced Jiang Shixun's heart.

   He laughed and picked Jiang Zhiying up and kissed her on the face: "Yes, Zhuzhu is as smart as her father~ worthy of being my father's precious daughter~"

  Tang Yulan watched their father and daughter play tricks, and couldn't help but feel a little sour: "Have you had enough? Don't you want to do business?"

   Actually, she was also a little surprised. Before Jiang Shixun went out alone, she didn't know that Jiang Shixun had such ability!

   is really amazing!

   I don’t even know what to do, it’s like a different person!

  Tang Yulan walked up to Jiang Shixun, stared at his face, and kept looking at him.

   However, after looking at it for a while, he still couldn't see anything, so he could only ask him: "Brother Jiang, how did you get your face...how did you get it?"

   "It's just makeup, I figured it out myself, so it's safer."

   Jiang Shixun didn't explain much. He deliberately pretended to be like this this time because there were a lot of things to be shot, and he had to change his identity completely different from his own, so as not to be recognized.

  If there are few things, there is no need for such trouble.

  Tang Yulan was a little uneasy: "Do you really want to shoot so much? Will there be trouble?"

   Jiang Shixun comforted her: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. Besides, I'm not going to take action now, I'm just going to explore the way first."

   After he finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Zhiying: "Beads, are things ready?"

   Jiang Zhiying nodded and took out a bamboo basket with a lid.

   When they came out, Jiang Shixun carried the basket on his back, but the target of the basket was a bit big, not as safe as a vegetable basket.

  The vegetable basket has a lid, as long as it is covered, no one can see what is inside.

  Jiang Shixun decorated some samples and went out to explore the road. It looked no different from shopping for groceries.

   He checked the samples in the lower basket and found that there was no problem. He couldn't help but glanced at Jiang Zhiying approvingly: "Beads are really smart."

  Jiang Zhiying was instantly proud: "Of course, I'm my father's precious daughter, can I be smart?"

  Jiang Shixun was immediately amused by her, thinking that he was indeed a child, and he cocked his tail proudly when he praised him.

   "Okay, I'll go out to explore first, Alan, you stew a chicken, and bring it back to eat with your parents later."

   He was afraid that Tang Yulan would be worried at home, so he simply found something for her to do.

   When Tang Yulan heard that she wanted to feed her parents, she agreed without thinking: "Okay."

   Jiang Shixun went out with a basket, Tang Yulan locked the door and started to work.


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