6 Times a Day

Chapter 973 Heather Planning.

When Simone finished, she gasped, "Son of a bitch! Alan! Now I can see what everyone's been raving about! Your cum does have the most amazing taste."


Simone explained, "Ever since Amy started raving about you, your fucking skills have been one of the most popular girl's locker room topics, especially after the other cheerleaders pretty much confirmed how great you are. I think you're right: being your bitch-training assistant is a great idea!"

She extended her tongue back toward his groin, greedily cleaning him. Then she started sucking his penis and balls completely dry, mostly in hopes of enjoying more of his delicious cum.

Meanwhile, Heather put on bored airs and began wiping herself down with a towel, since she was sweaty from all the sexual activity. She didn't want the other two to see how disappointed she was that she didn't get any of his cum, not to mention that he wasn't going to fuck her ass before leaving. She'd been counting on that ass-fucking all weekend long.

She said to him with her usual bitchy tone, "Alan, when-"

"Sir," he interrupted.

She rolled her eyes - now that she was coming down from her erotic high, she wasn't so keen on calling him that. "Sir, when you took away my theater room key, you created a problem. Where is my cheerleading squad supposed to practice from now on? What are we supposed to do for sixth period today? I think it's best if you make me a key so we can keep practicing in this room."

She was again being forced to play dumb and hide the fact she had her own copy of the key, for fear he would figure out that she'd already duplicated it.

He hadn't thought about the complication of cheerleading practice when he took the key, but he didn't want to show any sign of weakness in front of Heather. He said, "First of all, it's not your key, or your squad. Whose cheerleader squad is it? Who owns all of their cunts?"

Heather thought, and then answered, "You do." She shivered lustily as she realized that she really meant it.

Alan glared sternly at Heather, catching her off guard and putting her on the defensive. "Simone, what mistake did Heather make just now?"

Simone paused in her ministrations to Alan's balls and penis long enough to reply, "She forgot the 'sir'." She then returned to her oral search for any more of his stray juices she might have missed. Although she couldn't find any, she loved licking his penis even when it was flaccid. His power-play over Heather had greatly impressed and aroused her, to the point that she was still riding the resulting erotic buzz.

"You do, Sir!" Heather quickly said, before Alan could berate her any more for continued failure to comply with his orders.

"Correct." He knew that his claim to "own" all the cheerleaders wasn't actually true. In particular, his control of Joy and Janice was limited at best. He made a note to try to improve that soon. He wasn't really very keen on Joy and Janice, since he had so many other more beautiful women to have fun with, but he liked the idea of having the entire cheerleading squad firmly under his control.

He said, "I'll loan Katherine or Amy the key for today, and the three of us will discuss it and let you know what we decide concerning how to handle this issue in the future. End of discussion. I will forgive the fact that you called me 'Alan' and not 'Sir' a moment ago because I may not have explained myself properly. But you will call me 'Sir' at all times from now on, unless I say otherwise."

Heather complained, "But what am I supposed to do in front of other people? You don't expect me to call you that in class, do you? Sir?" She just barely remembered to add the 'Sir' at the end.

"Of course I do. However, since you have such a ridiculously huge ego, you may say it sarcastically in front of others, if that helps you save face. But such a tone of voice will result in strict punishment if you try it with me in private."

Heather didn't know how to respond to that. She was pissed off, yet greatly aroused at the same time. So she merely nodded, while she watched Simone continue to clean Alan's crotch. It was completely clean now, but Simone still didn't want to pull away. The dual blowjob had obviously been a very intense experience for her.

Finally, Heather said, "Now I have to go to my fifth-period class. Just how am I supposed to sit down, Sir?"

"Heather, that goes into the category of 'not my problem.' If you enjoy sitting down, I recommend greater obedience in the future. And if you haven't already been preparing your ass with butt plugs, I recommend you start right away. You and Simone meet me here twenty minutes before school tomorrow and you'll find out why. Actually, better make that thirty. I might want to play with your body a little bit. Plus, Heather, I want your ass crack shaved immediately, because you have a wee bit of hair in your ass crack. And make sure to have an enema before school."

"An enema?! That's disgusting!" Heather couldn't even begin to disguise her shock at the very idea.

"You heard me. If you're into anal sex, then get used to it. If you like anal sex, and it goes without saying that you do, you're going to need to get used to taking enemas to keep yourself cleaned out and your butt ready for stuffing and fucking. I don't want to run into anything unpleasant in there, if you know what I mean. Somehow I suspect that the worst thing that could happen is that you'll start liking them and want to do them more often than necessary simply because they make you feel good back there."

Heather kept silent, but her face showed complete revulsion. Shit. Now I've got to shave my ass crack AND my pussy AND have a daily enema AND call him "Sir" and so much more! Where do the indignities end?! Yesterday, Simone told me that shaving my bush for him symbolized that he now owns and control my body. What if she's right?! I've got to fight back somehow! Nobody bests a Morgan woman!

Alan turned to Simone. "Please make sure that Heather gets her minimum daily enema. Administer it yourself if you have to. Maybe you can use the girl's locker room before school or something. In any case, I want you to verify she does it with your own eyes."

Simone's eyes widened, but then she looked over at her friend and gave a slightly naughty smile.

Heather wondered if she was actually seeing Simone licking her chops at the prospect of complying with this latest order, or just imagining it.

"Oh, and one more thing. Simone, do you have any significant other at the moment?"

"As a matter of fact, no. I just recently broke up with one of the football players."

"Good. Keep it that way. I don't mind you having sex with others if you can prove that they're clean, but if you pick a new boyfriend, you'll have to choose between him and me. Especially avoid the football players. As you know, I'm having a bit of a battle with some of them at the moment. Heather is helping me out there, and it goes without saying that we need your support as well."

"Of course." Simone was surprised that she said that. Immediately afterwards, she thought, Why the hell am I letting him help pick who my boyfriend is?! But she didn't complain out loud.

"Good. And remember: you're either in my sexual circle or out of it; there's no in-between. I was lax before, but that's how it's going to have to be from now on. For now, stick to lesbian sex with Heather and the other cheerleaders, and come see me about adding anyone else. Heather, the same goes for you. I'm pretty busy with other women myself, so don't count on me to fully satisfy your or Heather's sexual desires. In the next few days, we'll see about widening your circle and getting you some more cock if you need it."

Heather was strangely disappointed to hear that. She wanted all Alan, all the time. But at the same time, she realized that was probably unrealistic, at least for him.

Simone unabashedly said, "Oh, I'll definitely need it. I'm nearly as insatiable as Heather and I'm not afraid or ashamed to admit that. And as much as I love Heather, I do need a man, and it sounds like you're pretty busy."

Alan gave a firm nod, but thought, Now what am I getting myself into? I'm hoping to put Heather and Sean together, but who will I pair with Simone? I need another apprentice or something, but my mind is drawing a total blank on who it could be. I just don't know that many good guys these days since most of my friendships have faded. It would be great if I could hook her up with my one other good male friend, Peter, but he's short and chubby, and frankly, not handsome. I don't think she'd go for that. Huh. Well, I'll worry about that later. Things have a way of working out for me lately.

Heather soon left for class, followed by Simone a short time later. Heather made sure to leave first, so she wouldn't have to talk to Simone about what they'd just done. Even thinking about it humiliated her tremendously, especially when she remembered the bold claims she'd made to Simone over the weekend about how she was going to turn Alan into her "boy toy."

Heather couldn't stop thinking about what had happened as she made her way towards her locker. Students scurried out of her path (even more than they usually did) at the sight of her annoyed scowl. Her backside was burning from the spanking it had taken. The friction of her tight shorts on her naked ass cheeks only fanned the flames scorching her butt. Yet her asshole remained thoroughly unfucked, which did nothing to improve her mood.

Somehow, she found herself in a kind of love-struck trance when she was around Alan, at least on some primitive level. That bothered her. She could still complain about things, but she seemed ultimately helpless to resist any of his commands. However, as soon as she left the room, her usual bitchy personality reasserted herself.

I must have been out of my mind not to have punched him in the face! He's gone way too far this time, even for him! An enema? Shave my ass? "Sir"?! He turned my very best friend against me with that goddamned talented cock of his, and then just to rub it in he made me lick his asshole! Not to mention the way he made me crawl. And after all that, he didn't even fuck my ass. The fucking ingrate! I deserved a good ass fuck, dammit!

This is all too much. I need revenge. Revenge! He needs a serious kick in the head. A kick in the balls is more like it! I'll go along with his plans for now so he won't suspect anything, but tomorrow I'm going to get him back somehow.

Glory. She's the key. Since I hate her guts even worse than his arrogance, I've got to find a way to spoil their fun together. I can kill two birds with one stone and get both of them with one well-placed act of revenge! Ha! I need to remove her from the picture so I can have Alan on MY terms... What to do, what to do? So many delightful possibilities... Watch out, Papa Smurf, no one messes with Heather and gets away with it!

She strutted down the hallway, catching everyone's attention with a neckline scandalously plunging towards her belly button. A smile replaced her scowl. In fact, her face was filled with swagger and confidence as if she owned the school, because in her own mind her revenge on Alan and Glory was a done deal. No one could have possibly imagined that mere minutes earlier she'd been crawling naked on the floor, begging her "ass master" for more abuse.

Meanwhile, Alan looked at the clock. To his surprise, he discovered there was still almost ten minutes left before he had to be in his next class.

As he checked to make sure the door was locked, he thought, All in all, that went really well. Astonishingly well, in fact. The surprising thing is that I didn't plan any of it. Not even a single word! It's funny how things always seem to come together where Heather's training is concerned, as if I know exactly what I'm doing. True, I started slow, mishandling the whole shaved bush thing, but I made up for it later. All I'm really good at in this and everything else is thinking and acting quickly on my feet. They both probably thought that double blowjob was some carefully thought out thing based on long established domination practices, and that I knew their animalistic, aggressive sexiness was going to happen in advance.

But in fact it totally blew MY mind, too! As a matter of fact, in my post-Susan-fuck daze, I didn't even remember that I wanted to meet Heather for lunch to start her training. And even though I didn't get Heather's ass training started - since I naturally forgot the dildos, too! - I think I reasserted and solidified my control over her. I can't let up with her for even one day, or precious work will be undone. I can see Mondays are going to be a problem unless I can figure out a way to remotely keep her bitchiness in check over the weekend.

I hope I can keep up the act of the veteran ass tamer, because all hope of changing Heather will be lost if she gets even a hint that I'm a fraud, and that I'm just really good at winging it. I should probably check the Internet tonight and read up so I can actually plan ahead for once. There must be someone out there who's done this kind of thing before to truly help someone change their personality, or have I totally gone off my rocker into some weird zone where only freaks go, purely for freaky, selfish pleasures? Is this all just an excuse to fuck her ass and call her names? Has the "Bad Alan" won already?

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