6 Times a Day

Chapter 927 Pact Extended To Brenda ! [Victor Setelo Sponsored]

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Once Alan left, the mood at the house completely changed. It was as if all the air had been let out of a balloon. All the women suddenly felt emotionally and physically exhausted. Suzanne and Amy soon went home to take naps, and Susan and Katherine went upstairs and napped in their respective bedrooms.

Even after all the napping, the mood remained very mellow for a while. Each woman mainly kept to herself, to ruminate over the momentous Pact they'd agreed to, and to just chill out and recover some more. Susan took a long bath.

Eventually, the need to eat dinner brought Susan and Katherine back together. Once they sat at the dining table together, while picking unenthusiastically at their aloo matar curry, Katherine commented, "Boy, it sure feels lonely and strange without Brother here."

"I know what you mean," Susan replied sadly. "Two whole long days! I don't know how I'll be able to stand it." She asked guardedly, "Do you have any regrets? About signing The Pact, I mean?"

Katherine passionately replied, "Are you kidding me?! No way! This is what I've wanted for such a long time, to be my brother's fuck toy. It's my dream! AND I get to share him with you and my other very most favorite people in the world. The Pact kind of enshrines all of that into law. What could be better?! What about you?"

Susan smiled with relief, her guard down after hearing that. "I feel exactly the same! To me, there's nothing more important in life than love and family. With The Pact, I get to love my family in a very tangible, enjoyable way. Nothing could possibly be better for me either."

They held hands across the table, giving each other a supportive squeeze.

"Amen to that!" Katherine agreed. "The only bummer is that he's going to be gone all weekend. Just think about all the celebrating we could be doing, if it weren't for that stupid hiking trip. You and I, we could be naked and kneeling between his legs at this very moment! Slurping on hot and throbbing cock!"

Susan sighed. "I know. There's just so much cock to slurp and bob on, if only he were here. But I have an idea. After I say grace, why don't we recite The Pact together? That'll kind of, I dunno... It'll comfort me, at least. Do you have it memorized yet?"

"I think so, but I'm not sure. There just hasn't been time. But that sounds like a great idea just the same."

Susan replied, "I'm in the same boat. I think I have it memorized already, but I might miss something. Why don't we take it out and read it together?"

Katherine's face lit up. "Sounds great!"

So that's what they did.

When the recitation was over, they were left contemplating The Pact all over again. Katherine commented, "Geez, Mom, can you imagine? Just a couple of months ago, we were a completely normal family, at least on the surface. And now it's come to this! Alan is our master! We didn't put those exact words in The Pact, I suppose out of his sensitivity to such things, but that's the truth. And that means that you and I now are his de-facto sex slaves. Don't you agree?"

Susan nodded with a twinkle of excitement in her eyes. "Oh, definitely! That's been the main thought on my mind ever since he walked out the door. The reality of that keeps hitting me over and over again, like giant waves, so that I'm nearly drowning in the surf. It's one thing to talk about it. Before, we could act like it was just a sexy thing to say to get everyone horny. But now that it's been written down and signed just like a legal agreement, well, it's just so... official! You know what I mean? So final!"

Katherine nodded, eyes wide. "I know! I keep thinking about the future. There's no expiration date for The Pact. That means it's forever. And that in turn means I'm going to be enslaved to my brother for the rest of my life! The same goes for you. You've been bested and tamed by your own son!"

Susan was wide-eyed too, to express her strong feelings. "I know! Believe me, I know!" She tried not to let on, but she was getting aroused just from talking about it.

Katherine asked, "So... how do you feel? I mean, I know that part of you loves it, but at the same time it must be frustrating and humiliating to have the tables turned where your own son becomes your master. Are you okay with that?"

Susan spoke solemnly. "I am. As usual, I look to the Bible for guidance. Let me quote the Book of Ephesians, 6:5-6, for you. 'Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart.'"

Katherine's jaw dropped. After a long pause, she exhaled and exclaimed, "Wow! Just... wow!"

"I know!" Susan was similarly flabbergasted. "And that's only the tip of the iceberg. There are many more similar verses. Like Colossians 3:22. 'Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.' Or this one, which is probably my favorite. Titus 2:9: 'Teach slaves to be submissive to their masters, to be pleasing and give satisfaction in every way.'"

Katherine was even more astounded to hear that. "Oh my goodness! That's amaaaazing! It's like... being a sex slave is encouraged by the Bible! By God!"

Susan nodded triumphantly.

"I can see why that Titus one is your favorite. Now it's my favorite too! Why haven't I heard about any of this before?!"

"Well, to be honest, there are some things in the Bible that people would just as soon forget about, and these are classic examples, since slavery has been outlawed. I didn't know about those passages, and I assume Suzanne doesn't either since she's never mentioned them to me, but I recently found them on the Google."

Katherine rolled her eyes. "Mom, we don't say 'the Google.' Say you found it using Google."

"Whatever. Slavery is mentioned frequently in the Bible, both Old Testament and New. Up until now, that had bothered me. Why would God approve of such an abominable institution? But now it all makes sense: those are references to SEXUAL slavery! Obviously, every generation has at least a few naturally superior men like Alan who inevitably require a handful of sex slaves at the very least, so there neesd to be rules about that. Think about it: not only do we have to 'obey our earthly master in everything,' we need to do it with 'sincerity of heart.'"

Katherine exclaimed with newfound excitement, "That means that whenever we're serving his cock, we have to put all of our heart and soul into it!"

Susan smiled with satisfaction. "Exactly. And whenever you do, you'll actually be 'doing the will of God.' That makes perfect sense to me, because why would God make men like Tiger with enormous sexual appetites without having a way for those appetites to be satisfied? In a way, each time he blows a spermy load on our faces or tits, or into any of our orifices, we're actually doing our tiny part in fulfilling the Lord's master plan."

Katherine wasn't nearly as religious as Susan, but she was impressed nonetheless because this further justified what she already loved doing. "That's incredible! Have you discussed this with Suzanne yet?" When Susan shook her head no, Katherine asked, "Or Brother! We definitely need to tell him! Heck, we need to tell everybody!"

Susan shook her head again. "No, just you so far. I think it's better if we keep this to ourselves for now."

"Really?! Why?!"

"Well, remember, we're not really official sex slaves yet. It's more like a de facto thing. Tiger doesn't like us using that terminology, as you know. I think Suzanne would have issues with that, and Amy might too. Plus, you know me: I fervently believe in the Lord, but I don't like pushing my beliefs onto others. Each person needs to take their own spiritual journey. It's more meaningful if they come to Him in their own way."

Katherine knew that Susan could be pushy with religion sometimes at least when it came to family, such as the way she tried to drag the whole family to church every Sunday, but she wisely kept quiet about that.

Susan then added, "Oh, I forgot to mention that Brenda does know though. I know she's not religious, so I try hard not to quote Scripture to her. I don't want her to think I'm some sort of religious nut out to convert her to my way of thinking. However, it so happens she helped me with the Googly search, so she found out that way. And of course she approves." Susan smiled from ear to ear.

Katherine considered all that. She wanted to smack her forehead in response to Susan's use of the word "Googly," but she kept quiet about that too. "Oh. Well, bummer, except for the Brenda part. But that makes sense, I guess. We do need to keep this sex slave talk on the down low for the time being. The main problem is Alan, of course. I'm sure he loves The Pact, but I don't think he fully understands the implications."

"No, I doubt he does. Not yet. He's so busy having fun with all of his busty sex pets that I doubt he has much time for contemplation. So we definitely don't want to shock him by quoting those Biblical verses at him. Not yet, at any rate. Besides, I suspect he's deliberately not thinking much about the future."

"Oh, totally!" Katherine agreed strongly. "In fact, I've noticed that pretty much all along. He's been reactive, not proactive. Things have been going so swimmingly that he hasn't needed to plan much, especially with Aunt Suzy doing a lot of the scheming for him. I suspect he thinks that if he looks to the future too much he'll jinx himself or get a big head. 'Cos it's a pretty darn amazing future, from his point of view!"

Susan responded, "Yes, I agree with all that. But what that means is that he doesn't really fully understand what he's getting into. However, I think he'll catch on soon enough, don't you? We're not tricking him or anything, do you think?"

"Oh, definitely not. Come on, Mom, how can he not totally love this? Sure, he's got lingering issues about being called 'Master' and having a harem of his personal sex slaves and all that, but we'll wear him down with one prolonged and incredible blowjob after another."

Susan giggled at that. "Great idea! I couldn't agree more. Make that one prolonged and incredible DOUBLE blowjob after another, especially of the mother - sister variety." She winked. "And not just one or two, but thousands! Literally countless thousands of times!" She envisioned staring lovingly into Katherine's eyes, so close that the tips of their noses touched, while both of them were lapping on Alan's thick pole.

"Indeed!" Katherine smiled widely. "And lots of fucking too! I love that he took my virginity. I hope that when I die, I'll be able to look back and recall that he was the only man to ever fuck my pussy, my ass, my tits, and my mouth, but he fucked me in each place countless thousands of times!"

Susan sighed wistfully. "I wish I could say the same. You're so lucky. At least I'll be able to say that for three out of four."

"That's true," Katherine agreed. "Besides, there's just no way you could have been a total virgin at your age, with your body."

"I suppose not." Susan grew more serious. "This is our life now, Angel. Especially sucking cock - that's going to be a very, very big part of your life from now on. Sure, there's fucking and ass fucking and the like, but that requires a lot of exertion on his part, and he has many women to satisfy, so you and I, we'll probably get fucked less than once a day, on average. But blowjobs, there's really no limit to that except for OUR energy and enthusiasm. That's how I see it, at any rate. How do you see it?"

"Oh, I definitely agree, Mom. Especially since you and I live with him. I'd like to see him wake up with his cock already getting sucked by you or me. Then we pretty much continue serving his cock in one way or another until he's dropped off at school. And that's just the morning, just the first hour of his day! It'll get even better from there. All of us, we'll keep on cumming all day long!"

Susan nodded. "Wow! It's all so thrilling when you put it like that!" She was salivating and her heart was racing.

Katherine nodded too. "He's our master. We've just agreed to 'obey his every desire' and 'devote ourselves fully to pleasing Alan and his insatiable cock.' I take those words very literally. And of course we can't forget that we're both his official personal cocksuckers, and we always will be. So yes, of course cocksucking is going to be a very, very important part of my life. And yours too."

Susan grinned broadly. She was staring off into space, fantasizing about performing her next blowjob. She unthinkingly licked her lips. I wish I had Tiger's cock in my mouth right now. I wish that so very, very much!

Katherine added, "The way I figure, it's as if I'm taking up a sport and practicing it for hours every day with the goal of getting to the Olympics, or World Cup, or something like that. Except instead of tennis or gymnastics or whatever, my 'thing' happens to be serving my brother's cock, with an emphasis on cocksucking."

Susan smiled approvingly. "That's a very good way of looking at it. That's basically my approach too. But how do you feel about that? Do you think it could mess with the rest of your life? I'm just as concerned about your happiness as his, you know. I want to be sure you reach your full potential and find the joy you so truly deserve."

"Mom, this IS my life. What, do you think I'm going to date some other guy and eventually marry him? No way! Being enslaved to my brother is going to be one of the central aspects of my life from now on, and I couldn't be happier about it. But that doesn't mean I can't have a career and good friends and stuff like that. Think about those girls who've practiced tennis for hours every day since they were little kids. They still go to college, get married, have kids, and all the rest. It's just that they have to be more careful than most in managing their time."

Katherine continued, "It's the same with me. For instance, while my friends are aimlessly wandering the mall, window shopping and talking about boys, I'll be naked and kneeling between my brother's legs, probably with you by my side slurping on his sweet spot with me. That's what we DO now! We're sex slaves! But I don't feel like I'm gonna miss out as a result. I would have just been wasting my time on stupid stuff anyway. And doesn't the Bible itself say something about abandoning pointless worldly things?"

Susan replied, "Indeed it does. For instance, according to Luke, Jesus once said, 'Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.' I'm impressed. You're taking a very thoughtful and mature attitude about all this."

Katherine grinned. "Yeah, well it helps that I've been thinking and dreaming about this for a couple of years now. You should see my diary. I had my perfect fairy-tale fuck-toy life all planned out long before I ever actually touched his cock, but I never thought it would actually become real. And now, incredibly, it's actually happening!" She gesticulated to express her wonder. "And what's even better is that I always envisioned it kind of being a solo thing. But I get to share it with you! And Amy and Aunt Suzy too!"

Mother and daughter reached across the table and again held hands.

Susan beamed. "I'm so happy for you. And PROUD of you! You're going to be the perfect fuck-toy sister. Actually, you've already proved that, and you keep proving it every day. I'm impressed by that as well!"

"Thanks." Katherine smiled bashfully and bowed her head. "The same goes for you. He couldn't ask for a better big-titted mommy slave." She suddenly looked up as something else occurred to her. "Hey! Speaking of 'big-titted mommy slaves,' has anybody told Brenda about The Pact yet?"

Susan looked at her daughter in wide-eyed alarm. "Oh dear! I don't think so, unless Suzanne did it without telling me. But I doubt that. She trusts me to keep Brenda informed."

"Well, you should call her then, right away. I'm sure she's gonna be really bummed out that she missed out. She's so into this lifestyle that it's not even funny. I'll bet she'd sign The Pact in a heartbeat!"

Susan frowned. "You're probably right about that. But that could create a problem, because The Pact is a family thing. Yes, part of it is about formalizing our servitude to our master, but it's just as much about formalizing our new family. While she's become a good friend, she's far from family!"

"I know that, and I agree, but you need to break that to her diplomatically, the sooner the better. Otherwise, she'll feel like she wasn't even important enough to be told."

"Good point. I'll give her a call as soon as dinner is over."

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