6 Times a Day

Chapter 926 Alan Going On A Hike [Victor Setelo Sponsored]

Victor Setelo Special [13 / 15]


He picked up the camera and took a few more pictures. Then he put it back down so he could fondle with both hands. "Now, let's see. Who has the best ass? I need to study a picture of this scene, too." He began groping butts, even as he stuck his fingers and thumbs into their anuses and pussies. "Such a tough choice. Everyone is in perfect shape. No flab."

Then he put a hand on his erection and began stroking it over their butts, moving up and down the line, dragging his hardness across ass cheeks, pussy lips, and sliding it up and down ass cracks. He thought, It's strange how I love these four women so much, yet I'm also treating them like meat, as if I was inspecting thoroughbred horses to buy. The thing is, they really like it. Even Suzanne's all hot and bothered.

Susan was getting nervous that she couldn't see if the van was coming or not. She complained, "Son, I love it, but I'm so scared! The van! What about the van?"

Alan just ignored that. He recalled a sexual fantasy Katherine had once shared with him of eight or so of his harem girls in a line, all panting and begging him to fuck them next. He thought, That crazy fantasy is actually a reality! The number is just a little off, that's all.

He stopped for a moment before Amy. "You know, Aims, you have an exceptionally fine ass."

"Thank you, Brother! I'm so glad you like it!" She nearly turned red with embarrassment and delight. "Can I really call you brother?"

"Of course you can, Sister."

She giggled with glee.

He pushed his penis into her pussy and fucked her with a few strokes while he went on to calmly describe her ass. "It's so wide and soft and plump, yet somehow firm and unflabby, too. I can't wait until I get to fuck your tiny back door. We'll get it right next time."


He pulled out and walked down the line a bit.

Then he came to Katherine, and stuck his penis in her pussy.

Susan turned her head to watch. She was mesmerized by the sight of her son fucking his sister openly, right next to her.

Alan noticed his mother's stunned look and winked at her playfully. He silently mouthed "Sunday" at her, causing her to blush and smile.

She winked back, but said, "The time, Son, the time!"

"No need to worry," he said confidently. "We'll hear the van pull up, and I'll be out the door and in the van with my pack in seconds." He found that he'd entered some kind of erotic zone that made him not really care about the van and if anyone saw.

He didn't miss the fact that, in some small way, Heather's lust for danger had somehow rubbed off on him. He was beginning to realize that a life having some risks was one more worth living.

He renewed his focus on fucking. He'd almost forgotten whose pussy his dick was in, as all four women were still obediently bent over in a line. He thought, This feels great, but I won't last much longer at any rate. Too much sexiness! Besides, maybe I don't want to struggle until the bitter end. For once I feel like just letting it fly. I'm in Sis now, but I gave her my last load, so that wouldn't be fair. And there's something else I'd really like to do...

He pulled away and started cumming on all four of their asses. It was a bit tricky to do - he had to shuffle down the line a bit to make sure they were all adequately covered. He noted that he didn't have much cum left, so his orgasm was over pretty quickly in any case.

However, as was more and more the case with him, perception was more important than the reality. All four women went on about his cumming on them as if he'd splashed buckets of cum on their butts instead of the mere six middling ropes he'd really shot out. He didn't understand it, but he saw no need to correct them on it either.

Still standing with just a T-shirt on, he commanded, "All right everyone, stand up and face front." They all got up and turned around quickly and efficiently as any military unit. Without needing to be asked, they pressed all of their boobs together in a line again.

"Excellent. I think I'd better go now, 'cos it doesn't get any better than this." As he stood, he could feel a few last dribbles of cum dripping off his shrinking penis onto the carpet. In a commanding tone, he barked, "At ease!"

They all relaxed their posture, just as if he was an officer ordering his troops. He noticed that everyone was checking the window for the scouting van every couple of seconds, now that they could look in that direction again.

Still naked from the waist down, he went down the line of women, affectionately hugging and kissing them goodbye again. He made sure to avoid running his hands over their cummy asses. He was in awe at just how much power he had over them, and they were all in awe of it too. He thought to himself, I've been the nice guy all along, but dammit, it's my responsibility to embrace my master role. Suzanne's fully independent, but the others NEED a master! They're going to need a firm hand and direction from me from now on. Of course, it won't be like this in the future, what with the lining up and everything, but somehow this seems important. It almost like we've just gone through a ceremony that's necessary to get to the other side. Whatever that is!

His penis was still wet from fucking, and semi-turgid. Each female that hugged him couldn't resist sliding a hand or two over his penis, scooping up the cum on their hands and then licking their palms and fingers clean. They also got busy swiping up the gobs he'd left on their rear ends.

He watched each of them luxuriating in consuming the sex fluids, and thought, Wow. It seems that every time they have my cum, it binds them to me more than before. Look at their faces! You'd think they were savoring the world's finest caviar. I wish I could shoot out gallons of cum with every load and drench them as they deserve to be drenched.

He said, "I'd love to do this forever, but it's been ten minutes, just about. I really need to get dressed."

Amy pointed out, "They're gonna be so late that they'll just grab you and go, right? It's not like the scoutmaster is gonna come in and chat, right? He'll probably just honk from the street."

"That's true," Alan admitted. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, can't I stay naked? It's a bummer enough that I have to see you go; it'll be a super double bummer if I have to do it all dressed up."

Alan kissed the top of her head. "Amy, you're so cute. Stay naked if you like. All of you, in fact. You're right that it's safer if I just wait outside. Hell, we need to keep everyone out of the house just 'cos of the smell alone."

"Oh goodness!" Susan didn't make any attempt to put on her clothes, but she grabbed a can of air freshener and began spraying it all over the front of the house, just to be on the safe side.

The cum feast and hug-fest over, he went to the bathroom and washed up with a wet towel. Then he finally put his jeans and shoes back on and made himself presentable to the outside world.

He opened the front door and looked outside, but no one was there yet.

Had someone been standing on the street and staring down the long driveway directly into the open front door, they would have seen four stunningly beautiful and naked women all standing around one young man dressed in casual street clothes and holding a backpack (he didn't have to put the scout uniform on until the hike began the next day).

Amy and Katherine began to cry. Their mothers hugged and consoled them from behind, barely able to prevent their own tears from flowing, though they were tears of joy more than sad tears of departure.

Looking his sister in the eye, he asked her, "Sis, how am I ever going to be normal again? I'm in such a weird place right now, mentally. I've been living out this ultimate sexual fantasy but now I've got to go out there into the real world."

She replied sagely, despite her cascading tears, "You won't ever be normal like that again. That's the new reality. Just do your best to fake your old normal and enjoy the hike. Then we'll help you figure things out when you get back."

"Thanks, Sis. That's good advice. Thank you, everybody. It's a good thing I'm going now 'cos I need time to process everything that just happened. I love you. All of you. As much as I possibly can."

"Uh-oh," Suzanne said. She jested, "Don't get started with the 'L' word or everybody's gonna be blubbering up here and then we'll have more goodbye hugs and kisses and we'll never get rid of you."

He grinned at that, but turned away because it was true. He felt like crying, kissing, and hugging. He had to force himself to walk out the door instead.

Alan walked to the street corner without looking back, and heard the door close. He was intensely glad that the scout van was so late.

He thought, No doubt, this has been the worst day of my life, with what happened with Glory, but it's the greatest day of my life now, too.

Against his better instinct, he turned back towards the house, and saw Katherine at the large bay window, tears rolling down her cheeks. Amy was standing nearby, head in hands.

What the heck is wrong with these women? he thought in frustration. I'm leaving for two days. Two friggin' days! It's a completely harmless trip - not like I'm going off to war. Stop crying already! He waved, and Katherine waved back enthusiastically.

He thought for a few moments. Do I really mean this much to my sister and the rest of them? What did I do to earn such love and affection? Maybe sex unleashes some kind of deep natural bonding instinct. I dunno. I wish I could understand this, or really anything in my new life. It's too much!

And then, as if that isn't freaky enough, I have to wrap my head around the concept that the next time I see Mom, she'll be lying in her bed with her legs spread, waiting for me to fuck her cunt. Wow. Words just can't describe what that does to me. What a day! Again!

He sat there waiting for a minute or so. Already, he regretted going on the trip and felt a great desire to go back in the house. I feel like I've just been thrown out of a flying airplane. Man, I wanna go back in there and get smothered in boobs and blowjobs and savor the smell of pussy. But I really need to buck up and handle the real world or I'm gonna totally lose my mind eventually. I need to do this. Besides, it'll give me time to think. And boy, do I need a lot of time to think!

Finally, after another minute or two, the van came and he was gone.

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