6 Times a Day

Chapter 854 Is This Class Ever Going To End?

Weekend Madness [ 1 / 4 ] 5K words


Back at school, Glory still had one Televibe vibrator in her pussy and a smaller egg-shaped one in her ass. The cell phone allowed Alan to remotely control the vaginal vibrator with the press of a single button in his pocket. He'd put the Televibe to good use during the first two breaks between classes, but during the break between third and fourth periods he'd had an unpleasant run in with Heather. All of his troubles with her put him in a bad mood, so now that his fourth-period class taught by Glory had begun, he wasn't in the mood to mess around with her vibrators.

Furthermore, he reminded himself, he'd vowed not to bother her while teaching. But as time wore on during class and he saw Glory looking even more lovely and desirable than ever as she walked around and lectured (due in no small part to her flushed cheeks and unusually high arousal level), the thought kept coming back to him, I told her I wouldn't bother her while teaching, not that I wouldn't bother her during her classes. There's a loophole there. Technically, I can do something to her in class when she's not actively lecturing.

But for the time being, he didn't have much of a chance to slip through that loophole, as Glory was very busy with another one of her lectures. The class was World History, and today she was teaching about the beginnings of the European age of exploration. She was so engaged in a discussion of how the inventions of gunpowder and the compass impacted history that Alan thought it a great shame to interrupt her.

However, he only saw Glory's outwardly visible behavior.

In fact, even as she ably lectured, on another level her mind was heavily focused on the two vibrators within her. The anal vibrator was still on its lowest setting, but its very presence up her ass created constant, curious sensations for her, especially whenever she walked around. She was completely unused to having anything up her ass except for an occasional finger during sex. However, she was starting to like these new sensations in her ass. It began to dawn on her that she was in the process of discovering a new erogenous zone, although she had such an ingrained aversion to anything anal that she was loathe to admit even that much.

But as interesting as the anal vibrator felt, the vaginal vibrator still occupied most of her thoughts. Alan hadn't changed the settings during the last break (due to his confrontation with Heather), and she was very disappointed that he'd kept it on the lowest setting for so long. She'd completely forgotten about her initial determination to take the Televibe out!

She'd given the lecture she was giving several times before, and she felt she could do it in her sleep. Only the vibrator and its low, steady buzz held her full attention today. She was somewhat worried that her face was flushed, but she was confident the students would have no clue that was due to any sex toys. She was determined to hide how aroused she truly was.

Alan's rotten mood, brought on by his confrontation with Heather, slowly evaporated. The more he gazed at Glory, the less he thought of Heather.

After about twenty minutes, a student finally raised their hand and asked a rather involved question.

Alan saw a chance to strike, as he figured Glory wasn't technically teaching when a student was talking. He switched the Televibe from its lowest setting, zero, to setting number six, which he knew had quickly become one of her favorites. He still only had a vague idea what any of the ten settings did, but he'd gotten positive feedback on a couple and negatives on a couple others, so he tried to make the best of that knowledge.

Glory had a rather bored expression on her face, until the instant Alan changed the pussy Televibe to the six setting. WHOA! ALAN! Not during my class! Nooooo! Her eyes immediately bugged out, but she quickly covered for that, trying to make it appear that she was surprised and fascinated by the question being asked.

It was all Alan could do not to laugh out loud with glee upon seeing the reaction he'd caused, plus her efforts to disguise her feelings. Despite Glory's mental protests about him activating the Televibe in class, her face now radiated happiness instead of her previously bored look. When the question came to an end and she started her reply, Alan turned the vibrator back to the zero setting, which actually earned him a sharp glance of disapproval from his teacher.

He thought, A-ha! So she likes it, even during class. Interesting. Veeeery interesting. I'm almost positive that frown wasn't for me starting, but for me stopping! I think I've found the perfect way to get my Heather troubles off of my mind. I'll just have to look for more opportunities to give Glory a jolt without violating my pledge not to interfere with her teaching. If she even so much as stops to sneeze, that's not teaching, and it's time for another jolt! He chuckled silently.

About another minute later, another student asked a question.

No sooner did Glory stop talking and point at the raised hand than Alan switched the vibrator to another setting. He still didn't know how the ten settings worked, but he'd figured out that the zero to three settings went from weak to strong, and beyond that the settings followed no understandable pattern. So he switched the setting from zero to two, the "Medium Gear" setting. That got a raised eyebrow and slight smile from her about two seconds after he'd pressed the button for the new setting.

He thought, A-ha! She does like it! And here I was so concerned that she'd get upset at me for ruining her concentration. But he still turned it back down once Glory resumed her lecture.

After that, Glory seemed increasingly distracted. This in turn led to more questions, as she was leaving obvious gaps in her explanations. More questions meant more opportunities with the Televibe. She would flash him a smile or frown after each question ended, indicating whether she liked his recent setting change or not.

Alan wondered, Is she distracted because of the vibrator, or is she purposely messing up so she'll get more questions? Or is there some delightful combination? How far can I go with this? I still don't want to keep it on when she's teaching, because that would violate my previous promise. I wish there was some way I could talk to her directly and find out exactly what she wants. But then again, maybe not knowing for sure is part of what makes it such fun.

Indeed, Glory wanted more questions so she'd be able to enjoy more secret Televibe fun. As the teacher, she could act. She soon reached a good break in her lecture, and announced to the class, "I want everyone to recall their reading assignment and come up with one question. Then we'll collect all the questions and I'll select someone else at random to answer. This'll be a good way to judge both the intelligence of the question and the answer."

Alan naturally assumed that he'd be the one to collect the questions, since he was the teacher's pet sitting in the front row and such tasks usually fell to him. So he took the opportunity to write her a couple of true/false questions, with a couple of questions like, "Can I turn it on while you're teaching?" and "What about a new policy? Anything goes, unless you indicate you don't like it." He also wrote up a regular question, just in case he had to give something to someone else.

He collected up all the questions, just as he'd assumed he would, and walked up behind her desk to hand them to her, including his special Televibe-related ones. But he was in for a surprise.

Glory was ready for him, and she'd pulled her skirt up and panties aside so he could see the Televibe wiggling at the entrance to her pussy. She handed him a note, which read:

Look how hot you're making me!

I'm throwing all caution to the wind!

His penis had been partially engorged, but it immediately surged to full size. Taking advantage of the placement of the podium and desk, he was forced to adjust his shorts so the bulge wouldn't look so obvious. He quickly and surreptitiously put her note in his pocket, and then silently pointed out the questions he'd written.

She simply wrote:


With that one word she answered all of his questions, confirming "anything goes" regarding his use of the Televibe on her, even in class.

He walked back to his desk with a smug and happy look. His only problem was concealing his erection, especially while walking and not being able to get any relief for it at the moment.

Now that Glory and Alan had made their desires clear to each other, their fun escalated. It helped that her question session was starting up. She stood up behind the podium and began reading out the questions other students had turned in. Then she'd select a student at random to try to come up with a good answer.

Nothing happened to her Televibe at first. She was surprised and disappointed that Alan didn't change the vibrator settings, now that she was letting him do that at any time.

However, he was waiting for a number. As soon as she said a number, "In 1498, Vasco de Gamma sailed around the African continent and discovered the riches of Asia," he dialed in the number eight on the Televibe.

She went on without much pause or seeing the connection as the "Techno" pattern pounded through her. But then, a few sentences later, she stated, "As the Portuguese had reached Asia only six years after Columbus discovered America in 1492," Alan hit her with a six and then a two.

She grinned as she realized that she was now fully in control of the vibrator's settings by the words she said. Suddenly, she decided to answer the selected questions herself. Furthermore, although no one else noticed it but Alan, her answers were filled with numerical references.

Before long, she systematically worked her way from zero to nine, and surreptitiously flashed facial expressions in Alan's direction to indicate which settings she liked the best.

But she was still in for a surprise. She happened to mention, "With the main routes to the Far Eastern riches monopolized by the Spanish and Portuguese, other nations strove to open a back door to Asia that would let them in as well." Alan had been thinking about turning on the anal vibrator. Her mention of "back door" gave him a delicious excuse to do so.

When he turned that vibrator on, again merely by pressing buttons on the cell phone hidden in his pocket, he received the most entertaining expression from Glory yet.

She sputtered in mid-word while her eyes bulged out and her hands reflexively grasped at her ass cheeks. Needless to say, that caused quite a few titters from the other students. That in turn made Glory blush, which only caused even more of a murmuring from her class.

To stifle idle speculation, she said, "Excuse me, class, but I'm having a very upset stomach today. But never mind about that. It's not a big problem. Where was I?" and she continued where she left off.

Confident again, she shot Alan a dirty look, and said, "But let's not focus on the back door route, let's discuss the much more interesting front door route." She emphasized the words "back door" and "front door" to an almost suspicious degree.

To her chagrin, he only upped the settings on the anal vibrator the second time she said "back door," and then he changed the vaginal vibrator to a powerful setting when she mentioned "front door."

Soon he was changing the settings on both vibrators at the slightest opportunity.

Glory learned she shouldn't use the word "but" if she could help it, because he'd always change the anal vibrator every time she did. Similarly, the words "to" or "too" and "for" put the vaginal vibrator at two and four respectively. Four was the most intense setting, so she tried particularly hard to avoid that one.

The problem was, she soon became so overwhelmed with sexual stimulation that she could hardly concentrate on what she was saying anymore. That meant that she wasn't really able to avoid key words and numbers and kept saying them more often, which only made her even more stimulated. It was a vicious circle. She tried particularly hard not to use the word "but." However, that proved to be nearly impossible, since it was such a common and necessary word.

Within a couple of minutes, she was forced to sit down behind her desk for fear of rivulets of pussy juice running down her thighs so copiously that her students would get an idea of just how aroused she was. Her panties were thoroughly sodden and soaked through. She was eager to change out of them, but of course she had no way to do that in the middle of class. Sitting down prevented obvious dripping, but in a sense it only made matters worse, because now, safely behind her desk, she could touch her pussy without anyone knowing.

Anyone except Alan, though. He watched the movement of her arms very intently and quickly figured out exactly what she was doing.

Glory thought, I don't know what's come over me! I'm acting completely irresponsibly, ruining my lecture and fondling myself right in front of everybody! I promised myself not to do this ever again. No, Glory, no! It's a good thing I happen to know this particular topic like the back of my hand, or I'd be in really bad shape! I can't do this! Teaching comes first. Yet my pussy feels so fine, so alive, so cared for! This is terribly exciting! Such a fun game! I can't stop. Can't stop. No. Keep going. Alan, hit me again! Another one! Keep doing it! I love it! I love YOU! Yes!

If there was only some way all these kids could LEAVE and Alan could bend me over my desk and RAM HIS COCK HOME! God dammit, young man, NAIL my slutty hot hole! Fingers... dildos... even the Televibe... they just don't cut it! I need COCK!

She was getting so excited that she could barely keep teaching, so she switched back to having other students answer the questions. She let them do most of the talking for a while.

That meant he didn't have many signals to change the vibrator settings to, and now that they were playing this way he didn't want to change the settings willy nilly. Besides, he could see her face was growing flushed and panicky, and he figured she could use the break.

She was glad for the chance to calm down, but she didn't want to calm down too much. She was having the time of her life, reveling in the danger and excitement.

She'd hiked her skirt up so the growing puddle of cum on her chair wouldn't get her clothes wet. Thinking that the chair was too risky after all (as she couldn't control her masturbation), she cleaned herself up a bit and then moved behind her podium again.

But really this was only an excuse to get even more daring. Soon, she hiked her skirt up so high that anyone could see her entire panty covered crotch or ass if they had the right angle. Yet she knew that no one had the right angle to see, especially since she pressed herself up closely to the podium.

It was a cloudy day, so there were no reflections on the windows, and therefore not even Alan could see what was happening below the podium edge. However, he had a good idea what was happening by the way she was panting and getting red and the fact that she wasn't gesticulating with both hands as she normally did. His erection was like a steel bar in his shorts and he longed for some kind of way to give it relief.

Glory knew the other students must have noticed her flushed appearance, so she mentioned her supposed sickness again to explain away her strange behavior. But then she pushed her luck even further. She put a hand to her face as if wiping a fevered brow, but very strategically she showed only three extended fingers.

Alan got the hint, and turned both vibrators to the powerful three setting.

She didn't expect the anal vibrator change as well, and a surprising anal tingle brought her right to the edge of a climax. But rather than stop, she wanted to go all the way. She made another swipe across her forehead, this time showing four fingers.

He turned both vibrators to four, one of the highest settings.

She cried out as she was wracked by an intense multiple orgasm. She clutched at the podium with both hands while her whole body vibrated back and forth. Luckily, her face looked agonized, though really she was in complete ecstasy.

As she came down from her orgasmic high, she decided, Okay, I've had enough fun. In fact, far too much fun! My whole teaching career could be destroyed today, due to my reckless behavior. This has to stop, now!

She made a move to return to her desk seat and fully recover.

Alan was quick thinking. He strongly suspected that her skirt was hiked up and she was too blissed out to care about it. When she covered the short distance between the podium and the desk, she was bound to expose her privates to the whole class. In a flash, he sensed she was going to make this mistake, judging from her spaced out facial expression.

Just as she started to make the move, he stood up and shouted, "Ms. Rhymer!" All eyes turned to him, which was his intention.

Better, Glory stopped moving and again grasped the podium to keep from falling over in her languid erotic bliss.

He urgently explained, "Everyone, our teacher isn't well. Ms. Rhymer, you really need to go to the nurse!" He rushed up to the podium and held her up. He looked down and saw with horror that his instincts were right, because the lower edge of her skirt was still hanging a couple inches above her crotch. He managed to tug her skirt down without anyone seeing, using the podium as cover.

Glory was so out of it that she didn't even realize what a close call she'd had. She waved off his help and returned to her desk, saying, "Thanks, but I'm all right. I just need to sit down for a minute."

An awkwardly quiet minute passed as she panted and recovered back at her desk. Then she had the students continue their discourses, and she made a good faith effort to pay attention.

Soon she was able to teach again, thanks to the fact that he had turned both vibrators down to their lowest settings in the meantime. But her panties were sopping wet, and she appeared to be completely drained. Had anyone been looking closely at her legs as she moved from her podium to her desk, they would have seen rivulets of liquid pouring down past her knees.

There was simply no way she could stand up again in class for any reason, and she knew it. She felt like her legs were two giant wet noodles. Her heart continued to race wildly, because she sensed her entire teaching career was on the razor's edge.

He remained concerned that things had gone too far. One of the students to answer one of the history questions had long blonde hair, and that reminded him of the similarly blonde Christine.

With the Televibe situation seemingly in hand, he began thinking back to when he'd asked Christine out and she'd turned him down. It no longer caused him pain to remember that. Instead, it mainly reminded him of how much had changed in a short time.

I wonder if Christine suspects that something's up with Glory. Christine is so proper; she'd have a total hissy fit and call the cops if she ever suspected her teacher was wearing one vibrator, much less two. It's things like that which make it better that I'm not pursuing her seriously anymore. She could never fit into my new life, which is too bad because she's great in so many ways. She could never deal with the "Bad Alan," the one that even at this moment is considering the possibility of upping the Televibe settings again. I'm so incorrigible!

But his concerns for Glory's reputation and teaching job still dominated his thinking. He left his controls alone.

That gave Glory a chance to recover. She thought, more calmly now, I went too far. Way, way too far! Craziness! Today, I've just been in one of those moods where I've been really needy for Alan. I sure picked the wrong day, with his Televibe experiment going on!

Hot damn! It's like the last hours have been one constant, massive orgasm! But no matter how arousing that's been, it's a huge relief that he's stopped. I can't ever let him do this to me again, or I'll lose my job for sure. I have to play it cool for the rest of class, or else I'm going to do something very stupid. As it is, it's all I can do not to stand up and proudly announce, "Class is dismissed early. Alan is going to fuck my brains out now!"

Hell, just standing all the way up would be a disaster, with the way I look.

She glanced at the clock on the wall. Fuck. Fifteen more minutes. When is this class ever going to end?

She kept her promise to play it cool until class ended. She wasn't in much shape to teach, especially with thoughts of what Alan might do to her during lunch looming large in her mind, but she managed to drag out the exercise where the students did most of the talking until the class came to an end.

He was a bit disappointed he couldn't keep playing with the Televibe settings. His erection went flaccid after a while. But the awareness of how close she had come to great scandal by exposing her privates before the entire class kept him sober and a bit chastened.

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