500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 399 GODS!

"What in goddesses name was that?! That sounded like it came from this room! Is there a monster here?!" Kyra exclaimed as she jumped up to get up and into a fighting stance, but there was nothing that could protect them from this.

I lifted one ass cheek of the chair in hopes that the next wouldn't rattle the cutlery less this time, but it only made it worse. My ass let out a long and mournful cry that made Kia jump back and trip over her chair while holding her nose, trying to scramble away.

"Is there something wrong with you?" Mother Shallot asked, and I could feel the heat of embarrassment on my face as the giggles from Kyra started to slowly make it around. I was about to answer, but my ass quake shut everyone up again before a light laughter filled the air.

Then the laughter slowly turned to coughs, then screams as the smell of the fart filled the room, making it hard for people to breathe.

"GODS!" Kyra exclaimed as she ran out of the room in search of some clean air, but the door to the upstairs wasn't working, and my ass was still making noise.

Everyone was covering their noses and mouths, while I prayed to every god in existence to stop my ass from shaking this world down, but it just kept on going! I was about to give up and die from embarrassment when Shallot looked directly into my eyes and then lifted up her leg.

"Ploof~!" Her ass puffed loudly, and I stepped back in shock, but then farted again so hard, I was certain it might require a wipe, making my knees buckle a bit.

"Ladies! You are going to have to out Floof Galio!" Mother Shallot called out, and the girls around the room that were gagging and gasping for air nodded.

Then they all started to grunt and make faces like they were trying to do what I was trying to stop, but it seemed my stomach was finally settling down.

Suddenly, puffs of air started to sound off, and for a moment, I thought they had all lost their minds, but the room started to suddenly smell better! And not just better than ass, better than everything! I couldn't put my finger on it, but I think that I had just learned something very interesting about this world.

"That was amazing! I don't know what just happened, but everyone seems to be a lot more relaxed now," I said, and Shallot smiled and covered her mouth as she laughed softly, looking at the mess of women lying all over the room panting.

"It's an untold secret among women; we all can let out special gasses that act as an air freshener when the need arises. Of course, it is only really noticeable like this when many people do it, but it is considered more of a taboo thing that doesn't get talked about very often," she said, walking over to check on some of the girls that had passed out.

I looked around the room at all the mess and sighed. Those farts had really snuck up on me, and my brain had seemed to fart at the same time. I could have just portalled out of there, but I learned something interesting today. Women don't fart, they floof, and it smelled really good... almost too good... I might have to do a... deeper investigation of this... smell...

"Galio?" Mother Shallot said from beside me, and I looked over with a smile as she pulled me out of my head.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something, but I think that I am going to have to pass on staying the night," I said as I realized that I wasn't going to learn anything more about Hilda here tonight, and I would like to get things with her wrapped up. This would be hard to do if I didn't know where she was.

"Really? I thought that you were going to stay the night?" Mother Shallot said with a cute pouting lip, and I grinned.

"I am glad that you can say that, so honestly, even after the toxic fog that my body just screamed out, I would love to stop by tomorrow again, but maybe just for some drinks, and then I can stay for the night if that works? I think that I have helped out here enough for a bit, and when I come back, I can help with whatever else you need in the morning," I explained, and Shallot nodded with an airy sigh.

"Very well, I shall expect you tomorrow then." She said with a smile before hugging me again.

I thanked her and the girls again for dinner as Kyra walked me to the door with Kia far behind. When we got out of the house, I could feel them both staring at me silently until Kyra finally broke it.

"So you're not sleeping here tonight?" Krya asked as we left the house and came over to stand in front of me, pressing her chest into mine with a smile on her face.

"No, I am going to try and track down Hilda before the night is over, but I probably won't. Still, I think that I am the only person that is actually putting in an effort to try to find her, so sitting around and sleeping feels wrong right now," I said, wanting to chew off my arm after the night I had been promised.

"Well, if you find her before then, make sure to let us know. We all still care about her here," Kyra said softly as Kia shook her head in agreement from behind. "And tomorrow, when you come back for the night, we can do that thing with the girls that I promised."

"Of course; I will keep you up to date. Now I better go and get some rest," I said with a grin and a wink, making Kyra giggle as she and Kia left to go back into the house as night started to set in.

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