100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 264 She Might Wake Up Soon

Day Twenty Nine...


"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Nathan asked Abigail, instead of confronting her about eavesdropping on his conversation. He was worried about her but his expression remained indifferent.

Abigail just blinked her eyes while observing Nathan's face. For some unknown reason, their closeness made her heart race.

Badum! Badum! Badum!

Since she raised her head when she looked at him, their faces were just a few inches away. She could smell his masculine scent and it was delightful in his nose. She had the urge to lean closer to him and nuzzle her nose against his neck.

Before Abigail could lose her self-control, she gently pushed Nathan away from her using her left hand. She looked down, hiding her reddened face. She felt embarrassed with the way she was thinking of him.

"I'm alright. I'm not hurt," Abigail responded meekly.

Nathan stared at her for a long moment. He was contemplating what words he should utter. He was careful not to offend Abigail, his savior.

"Why are you here? Where's Ethan? You should be staying inside your room. Why are you wandering around here?" Nathan slightly scolded her. He was just concerned about her well-being. She was still a patient who was trying to recover.

"I followed you here," Abigail truthfully said, tugging the hem of her patient's gown sleeve. She lowered her gaze, hiding her embarrassment. Her heart was still beating so fast. She inhaled and exhaled to calm herself.

Nathan frowned upon noticing her strange behavior. She looked very tense.

"Relax. I'm not getting mad at you." Nathan held her shoulders once more. In his eyes, Abigail suddenly became a fragile woman whom he had to protect.

"Why did you follow me here?" Nathan asked her, intrigued. He raised his eyebrow, waiting for her response.

"Umm..." Abigail paused for a moment, searching for the right response. "I heard from Ethan that something bad happened to Dr. Zhou. How is he?"

Nathan didn't hide his troubles at the mention of Stephen's name. He breathed out with a complicated expression on his face.

"Yes. He is in danger. But don't worry about him and just focus on your recovery. I will solve this problem as soon as possible." Nathan sounded dejected. He thought Abigail followed him just to know whether Stephen was safe or not. He presumed that Abigail was worried sick about his best friend and she cared about him.

Abigail shook her head and said, "I am more worried about you. You look so stressed. I know Stephen is a very close friend of yours... like your own brother. I followed you here to check on you as well. Are you alright?"

Nathan was at a loss for words for a moment. He didn't expect that Abigail would ask about his feelings. He had been dealing with all those concerns for a while now. He had been through a lot of stress lately. And he was trying to cope with these unpleasant incidents.

He had a breakdown when Phantomflake was taken away from him. He had a major misunderstanding with Abigail. Then the shooting accident happened and Abigail got hurt because of him. And now, his best friend and comrades were captured by the enemy. Nathan was facing one problem after another.

"Honestly... I'm tired," Nathan absentmindedly mumbled while looking into her eyes. Deep inside, he felt like he needed to get this out of his system to ease the heavy burden in his heart.

Nathan's lips curled up but they didn't stretch out enough to create a full smile. He just felt glad that someone like Abigail asked him this question.

On the other hand, Abigail raised her left hand, reaching for his head. Before Nathan could react, Abigail was already petting his head. Nathan's body stiffened when Abigail's palm began rubbing his head and caressing his hair.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. I believe in you. You can solve this problem. You can save Stephen." Abigail surprisingly uttered some comforting words for Nathan.

Nathan remained silent, just staring at her emerald eyes. His heart skipped a beat when Abigail's gentle smile came into his view. She was consoling him and at the same time, encouraging him.

He didn't expect that Abigail's gestures and words would work like magic. For some reason, Nathan found himself easing up a little. He would like to believe her that everything would be fine and he would be able to protect his best friend and his comrades.

After a while, Nathan grabbed Abigail's hand, stopping her from petting his head. She thought Nathan felt annoyed by her action. However, Nathan reacted differently.

"Thank you, Miss Abi. Now, let's go back to your room. You shouldn't be wandering around here alone." Nathan gently pulled Abigail, guiding her back to the VIP Ward. Abigail just obediently followed him while gazing at their entangled hands.

'Nathan's palm is so warm,' Abigail thought to herself. Reflexively, Abigail gripped his hand tightly as if she didn't want to let go. Nathan smiled faintly when he felt that. However, since Nathan was walking ahead of Abigail and she was following behind, she didn't see the charming smile that formed on Nathan's lips.

When they entered the ward, Ethan was already standing by the door as if he was about to go out and check on them. Little Ethan's eyes sparkled in delight when he saw Nathan holding Abigail's hand. He smiled at his father meaningfully. He had a teasing smile plastered on his adorable face. Not only Ethan but also Bam-Bam had the same sparkle in his eyes when he watched Abigail and Nathan together.

'Their relationship is improving. My Master is making big progress with her mission. It won't take long before she could go back to her original body. I can feel that she might wake up soon. She just needs to keep this momentum up!' Bam-Bam felt so proud of Abigail. He even raised his paws and wagged his tail, congratulating his master.

Abigail just pretended not to see Bam-Bam's joyful look. She felt strange seeing Bam-Bam flying around them while Nathan and Ethan were present. She was used to talking to him alone and in private.

"Ethan, watch Miss Abi. Don't let her leave her room alone. She hasn't recovered yet. She still needs to rest and recuperate. Understand?" Nathan requested his son to watch and guard Abigail, not allowing her to wander around alone.

Nathan became more cautious especially now that Abigail's identity had been revealed. He already suspected that someone who wanted to erase her existence might be after the inheritance of the Yan Patriarch.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I promise. I will not leave her side. I will keep my eyes on her!" Ethan immediately responded, making a salute gesture at his father.

Abigail could only shake her head helplessly. 'I can protect myself. I'm not a child.' Then Abigail groaned inwardly when Nathan finally let go of her hand.

"I have to leave for now. I will send Abigail's bodyguards here. If you need something, just call me." Nathan was reluctant to leave but he had to confront the Red Dragon Mafia for the safety of Stephen and Violet.

"Where are you going, Dad? Leaving so soon." Ethan sounded a little bit disappointed.

"Your Uncle Stephen needs my help. Don't worry. I will come back as soon as I fix this. For now, just stay by Miss Abi's side. Look after her." He reminded his son once again. The young boy could only bob his head frantically.

Nathan turned to Abigail, glancing at her for one last time before he took his leave. He said goodbye to both of them and headed straight to the headquarters. Axel and Chantha were waiting for him. They needed their Supreme Leader's decision regarding this matter.

Twenty minutes later... Nathan arrived at the headquarters. Chantha and Axel welcomed him. The three of them headed to his office to discuss some things and strategize their rescue plan.

"Supreme Leader, let me go to Country J. I need to save and rescue my sister!" Chantha sounded very anxious. She kept pacing back and forth while cracking her knuckles. Axel tried to calm her down. If not for him, Chantha would have been at the airport now.

"Yes, prepare our troops. Gather fifty men. We are going to Country J now. Axel, check the availability of my company's private plane. We are going to use it." Nathan ordered them. There was determination in his eyes. He was exhausted but he got recharged after talking to Abigail in the hospital.

Meanwhile, Chantha felt grateful. Their Supreme Leader didn't forbid her to go to Country J to rescue her twin sister.

"What is your plan, Supreme Leader?" Chantha asked him expectantly. She was eager to know Nathan's strategic plan.

"We will do the exchange. Bring the hitman and the hacker. We will exchange them for Stephen and Violet. The Red Dragon Mafia demanded to free their men." Nathan explained to Chantha.

"Huh? What if this is another trap, Supreme Leader? Are you willing to trust those scumbags? They might betray us." Chantha had her doubts about this negotiation. But Nathan just gave her a reassuring look.

"I have my reason for doing this. The Red Dragon Mafia will be focusing on this exchange. While you are doing this negotiation, I will take Phantomflake back. We will do these two missions at the same time."

Axel and Chantha were startled when they heard that. "Supreme Leader, do you know where they hide Phantomflake? She was no longer in the Sanitarium." Chantha asked.

"Yes. Someone gave me her current location. This time we will get Stephen and Violet back along with Phantomflake," Nathan uttered with confidence.

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