100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 210 Monica... Who?!

Day Twenty Three...


Chantha eyed Abigail suspiciously. She was wondering whether Abigail was a spy who knew Nathan's identity as the Supreme Leader of the Syphiruz Mafia or not.

"Only a few people knew about our Supreme Leader's identity. Phantomflake was one of them..." Chantha murmured to herself.

"Oh my Gosh! Don't tell me... Phantomflake leaked this information to our enemies!" Chantha gasped in that realization. Then she shook her head and covered her mouth.

'Hmm, no wonder our Supreme Leader is keeping an eye on her. What if she is truly a spy? But Joker didn't get anything suspicious about her during the background investigation.' Chantha was a little bit confused.

She watched Abigail secretly. The three ladies were still talking about Ethan and Nathan. But she didn't reveal to them yet that Nathan was the CEO of SYP Starlight Corp. Abigail didn't mention his name. She was still calling him Devil.

Chantha stepped forward, opening the car door for Abigail, Ana, and Santra. Ana and Abigail settled down in the back passenger seat while Santra sat in the front passenger seat. Chantha entered the driver's seat and started the car.

"Where are we going, Ladies?" Chantha asked them cooly. She didn't sound like a bodyguard. She was acting like she belonged to the group.

Chantha was very approachable and friendly towards them. She often forgot that she was acting as a Lady Bodyguard. Her natural attitudes and behaviors were just coming out of her as she interacted with them.

"We will go to the Mall. We will meet a designer who wants to make dresses and gowns for Miss Abi!" Santra replied enthusiastically. She was so excited for Abigail.

This rookie designer wanted to make Abigail her model... an ambassador of her designs. However, Abigail got into a controversial incident wherein they believed that Abigail committed suicide because of heartbreak.

"Whoa! Miss Abi is truly amazing. She is a famous actress!" Chantha praised Abigail.

Abigail just smiled awkwardly. "I am still a rookie..."

Ana, her manager, could only giggle. Abigail was very humble and it never changed. She had been creating a good image and becoming more famous. But her suicide attempt surprised everyone in the entertainment industry, including her fans.

"I'm so excited. I believe that everyone will be surprised once they see Abigail in the Star Gala. More reporters will be surrounding you, asking you about what happened..." Ana shared her thoughts with them, her eyes sparkling dreamily.

"But I can't hardly remember everyone... I have selective amnesia..." Abigail said, feeling a little bit anxious. The entertainment world was an unfamiliar world to her. Would she be able to play her role well? She was worried that her actions and performance would affect the career of the real Abigail.

'I can't afford to ruin her career. I must work hard. This is the least I can do for her.' Abigail thought to herself, feeling concerned about the real owner of her borrowed body.

Meanwhile, Chantha frowned. This was the first time she heard that Abigail had selective amnesia. Nathan didn't mention anything about her selective Amnesia and her health condition.

'Hmm. She didn't tell them about the person who tried to kill her. Is she pretending to have selective amnesia? Is she doubting them too?' Chantha made speculations in her mind. She was having difficulty finding out Abigail's real motive. "Perhaps, she wants to protect them from harm so she decided to hide the truth from them regarding the people who want to kill her..."

Chantha was still driving when her phone vibrated. Someone was messaging her. She ignored it at first since she was so focused on driving. But the vibration continued.

'Damn! Don't tell me... it's an emergency from the headquarters!' Chantha could no longer ignore it. She was curious about who was messaging her non-stop.

She simply took her phone out of her pocket and checked the message using her one hand. She darted her gaze back and forth between the road and her phone.


"Awww!" Ana and Santra yelled from the shock because Chantha suddenly stepped on the brake, stopping the car in an instant.

Abigail frowned deeply and asked her, "What happened? Is there something wrong?"

Chantha's eyes were wide open as she gazed at her phone screen, startled! She didn't mean to stop the car abruptly. It's just that, Chantha was flabbergasted after seeing the text messages of a certain someone.

'Nathan Sparks! Our Supreme Leader sent me four messages... just asking about Abigail's whereabouts!'

Message Number 1: [ Where are you? What is Abigail doing right now? ]

Message Number 2: [ Chantha! Answer my question. State your current location. Report to me what she is up to. ]

Message Number 3: [ Are you both okay? Why are you not answering? Where is Abigail? Did she create another trouble? ]

Message Number 4: [ Chantha. Is Abigail safe? Answer me now. Otherwise, I will search your current location through the GPS signal! ]

"Sorry, Ladies... I have received an urgent message. I have to respond right away!" Chantha apologized to the Ladies then she typed her response right away. She could already imagine Nathan's dark and chilly expression.

Without further ado, Chantha sent a reply to Nathan. [ Boss, sorry for the late reply. I am driving Abigail and her team to the Mall. They are about to meet a designer for Abigail's dress that she will use for the Star Gala. ]

Abigail, Santra, and Ana just exchanged glances with one another as they could see the uneasiness in Chantha's face as she typed her message.

After sending the message, Chantha waited for several seconds. But Nathan didn't message her further.

'Hmm... What happened to my Boss? My phone suddenly went silent.' Chantha shook her head and continued driving the car as if nothing unusual happened.

'Why is he so concerned about this actress? This is so unlikely

Ten minutes later, they finally reached their destination. Abigail made sure to wear a cap and mask to hide her face from the public. It would create another big news if someone spotted her and recognized her in that place.

Chantha dropped the three ladies at the front entrance of the mall. When the three ladies alighted from the car, Chantha drove the car as she parked it first in the underground parking lot.

Ana already gave her instruction on where to find them. She would just catch up with them. At the same time, she would try to find designs that would pass to her liking. Chantha also loved shopping and fashion. She was a fashionista!

Meanwhile, Abigail, Ana, and Santra were already on the way to the Boutique owned by the rookie designer. This rookie designer had the potential to become famous because of her beautiful designs. She already won two awards this year. The designer's name was Celeste.

The three ladies were about to enter the Boutique when Abigail bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" A deep husky voice of a man was heard. He held Abigail's waist, stopping her from falling to the ground. The man dropped the paper bag he was holding just to hold Abigail in his arms.

Ana and Santra were not able to utter some words as they were starstruck by the man's handsome face.

'Oh my gosh! Is he Celeste's model? He is so damn gorgeous!' Ana bit her lower lip as she admired the man in front of them.

Santra also had the same reaction, except for Abigail. When she raised her head to look at him, Abigail frowned, trying to remember where she saw this familiar face.

The guy had a resemblance to Nathan. But they had different eye colors. This guy had a pair of gray eyes with black hair. He also had sharp features.

'He looks familiar... Where did I see him?' Abigail tried to scan her memories as she pushed him away. She didn't like other men touching her and invading her personal space. If Ana and Santra were not around, she should have twisted his hands already.

"I'm fine." Abigail plainly responded.

The guy with gray eyes just nodded his head. He was in a hurry so he picked up the paper bags and said goodbye to them.

"Do you know him?" Santra asked Ana as the three ladies watched his back.

Ana just shook her head. She had been in the entertainment industry for so long but she couldn't identify him as a model or as an actor.

"Ah, too bad! Let's just ask Celeste. Maybe she knows him well!" Santra said enthusiastically, staying optimistic about it.

Ana and Santra already entered the boutique without waiting for Abigail as they were excited to ask Celeste about the identity of the guy they met at the entrance door of the boutique.

On the other hand, Abigail remained standing outside, her gaze still following the man. Seconds later, she finally remembered where she saw him.

"Shit! I know that guy. I saw him talking to Monica before when I was following her movement." Abigail mumbled.

Subconsciously, she followed the man. She didn't know why but she had the urge to know his identity because he was somehow connected with Monica.

Abigail almost caught up with him when the guy stopped for a moment to answer his phone. Abigail just stood at the back, waiting for the guy to finish his conversation.

"I already bought the dress. I think she will like it. Please don't tell her that I went to Country M today. Is Monica doing well?"

Abigail froze in her spot as soon as she heard him mentioning that name. 'Monica? Who's Monica he is referring to?'

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